You’ve done the training, you’ve tapered properly, you’ve cleaned up your nutrition habits and now you are toeing the line in your new running outfit and shoes ready to set a new PR or qualify for the Boston Marathon. Before you get there, though, it might be a good idea to take a moment to […]
SoCal Wine Country Women’s Half Marathon Race Recap
I feel so excited that I’m sharing my SoCal Wine Country Women’s Half Marathon race recap! My last recap was in February 2020 (for the Mesa Marathon). While I did several virtual races during the pandemic, I didn’t bother to recap them. What would I say? I went out and ran 13.1 miles by myself. […]
5 Ways Runners Can Celebrate Earth Day Every Day of the Year
Earth Day comes just once a year, but caring for our Mother Earth should be something we think about every day. As runners we have a special opportunity simply because most of us spend a good deal of our time on the road and trails, breathing the air, and appreciating the beauty of our world. […]
5 Things that Make Me Happy for the International Day of Happiness
Tomorrow is the International Day of Happiness! It’s also the first day of Spring! It’s a great time to take a moment to think about some of the simple things that make us happy (like the first day of Spring). What is the International Day of Happiness? It is a day to be happy, of […]
5 Great Core Exercises for Athletes (that aren’t planks)
Whenever I tell a client that it’s time to do planks, I usually get a groan. Which is a bummer for them because I have my clients do a lot of planks! But, sometimes, just like my clients, you may want some great core exercises that aren’t planks. Still love planks? Here are 5 of […]
Running with Friends and Other Fit Friday Coffee Chat
It’s the first Friday of March and I’m ready for some coffee chat, how about you? I’m linking up with Deborah and Coco for the Ultimate Coffee Date! Let’s talk about running with friends, ducks, and more! Running with Friends and More! Let’s have coffee! I really can’t believe that it’s March already! I know for those of […]