I talk a lot about training, including the importance of rest and recovery. I still find that many, maybe most, runners focus more on the hard part of training: the speed work, the hill training, the tempo runs, the long runs, but frequently tend to just pay a lot less attention to running recovery. Yes, […]
Let’s Run Faster! 40+ Tips and Workouts to Help Increase Your Speed
If you ask any runner what they would like to improve about their running, chances are most would answer that they’d like to run faster. It’s kind of a metric for improvement. When you start running you just want to be able to run. Once you can run, the next goal is to run faster. […]
5 Answers to Beginning Runners’ Questions
Today I am answering questions that I hear frequently from beginning runners. If you have a running question, please email me or leave a comment and I will be happy to answer. This post is sponsored by adidas. 5 Beginning Runners’ Questions Answered I want to start running but every time I try I get injured. […]
The Art (and some science) of the Marathon Taper
Marathon training is hard. Very hard. You are pushing your body to its limits, running mileage that makes your friends’ jaws drop, training intensively for months, working toward the goal of finishing that 26.2 miles with pride. Whether you’re an elite athlete trying to win, an age group champion trying to set a new personal […]
The Long Run: Tips and Tools for Going the Distance
Today I wanted to share some tips and my favorite tools for the long run. Generally speaking, the long run is the most important key to your marathon or half marathon training. Yes, you can slog through it, but using some of these tips can help make it more pleasant and even more beneficial to […]
Train Smarter Not Harder: 5 Ways to PR Running Three Days a Week
Personal Record. PR. It has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? For many runners, setting a personal best time in a race is their ultimate goal. It also may seem unattainable, requiring hours and days of training that just aren’t possible for some athletes. While running five or six days a week may seem […]