Blogging can be a confusing business. Even after six years I find myself wondering if I’m doing it right. How does my page look? Do people enjoy my writing? Should I take that sponsored post? Is it worth the time that I spend working on it? I’m pretty sure about the answer to the last […]
My IDEA World Experience: The Functional Workouts
As you know, I spent last week at Blogfest and the IDEA World Fitness Convention. Here are my Top 10 Takeaways. While Thursday and Friday were spent learning some great blogging information, the last two days I was able to attend six workshops. In addition, on Friday, mixed in with all that blogging stuff, we […]
My Plans and Goals for Blogfest and IDEAWorld
Well, it’s finally here. Almost anyway. Blogfest and IDEA World Fitness Convention start next Thursday and I can’t wait! I signed up about six months ago, but I’ve really been waiting for this week since last year! I have my sessions selected, my hotel reservation, my travel plans all ready to go. I’ve done everything […]
13 Tips to Help You Overcome Blogger’s Block
It’s happened to all bloggers at some point. Blogger’s block. You want to write a post. You feel like you need to write a post. You sit down to write a post. And the mind goes blank. You’ve got nothing. The harder you try, the more your brain freezes. Sometimes it’s an indication that you […]
A Squat-a-liscious Tabata Workout
So somehow, even though I’m not working at my “real” job, I am staying really busy. I’m working hard during this break to build up the blog, and, as other bloggers know, that can take hours a day. Add in some weekends away, projects around the house, and I don’t seem to have a spare […]
6 Tips for Managing Your Social Media (when you have no time)
I originally wrote this post for my other blog, Media Fitness Coach, targeted at busy business owners and fitness professionals who were trying to use social media marketing to improve their business. I thought that it was worthwhile information for a wider audience though, because for many of us, blogging is a business, social media […]