After a year of no racing and consequently little training, you may be thinking about what you can do now that racing is starting up again. Here’s an idea, how about training to run your fastest 5k? It doesn’t just happen, you know. It takes planning, hard work, and dedication to train properly for a […]
Quick and Challenging Total Body Runner’s Workout
I get it. You know that runners need to do more than just run. You realize that a strength program is essential, not only because it will help you avoid injury, but because it will help you be a better runner too. And that’s why I created this total body runner’s workout. You want to […]
5 Great Core Exercises for Athletes (that aren’t planks)
Whenever I tell a client that it’s time to do planks, I usually get a groan. Which is a bummer for them because I have my clients do a lot of planks! But, sometimes, just like my clients, you may want some great core exercises that aren’t planks. Still love planks? Here are 5 of […]
5 Ways to Freshen Up Your Spring Fitness w/New Fashion & Routines
Spring is on the horizon, less than one month away. After a long winter that’s reason to celebrate. One of the best ways to celebrate is to freshen up your Spring Fitness. How do you do that? Well, I have a few ideas. This post contains affiliate links. Freshen Up Your Spring Fitness Are you […]
5 Tips to Help You Get Fit, Improve Your Diet, and Feel Good!
As we approach the month of March, the fitness and health lines have pretty much already been drawn. Most of those who committed to getting healthy, losing weight, exercising, etc., have already given up. More than 80% of new year’s resolutions have already failed by the second week of February! But it doesn’t have to […]
5 Plank Variations for a Strong and Stable Core
I will state the obvious. As a personal trainer, I love planks. As a fitness buff, my feelings are mixed. Yes, they strengthen your core. Yes, they can be done anywhere, anytime. But they can be kind of boring. Who wants to just plank there for an hour or so? That’s why I love plank […]