With the start of a new year, many people decide that it is time to start achieving fitness goals. For some, that means starting a running program, for others, it can mean joining a gym for the first time. Joining a gym can be very intimidating for new exercisers. You may feel that you are […]
Feel Like Quitting? How to Overcome the Top 5 Exercise Excuses
You haven’t started your fitness program yet. Or you started it, lasted a few weeks, then quit. You know you should stick with it. You’ve heard the benefits. Plus you hate starting over every time. So, what’s your excuse? Oh, and try to be original with your exercise excuses. As a personal trainer and coach, […]
5 Tips for Holding Onto Your Fitness and Running Resolutions
Yikes! It’s already March. How are those fitness and running resolutions doing? After a burst of enthusiasm and determination in January, when many people make their health, weight loss and running goals, we are now about a week into March, when, unfortunately, many of those awesome resolutions have started to slip. One of the mistakes […]
12 Ways the Noom Program Can Help You Reach Your Nutrition and Weight Loss Goals
Have you heard about the Noom Program? Sometimes called the Noom App, Noom Coach, or just Noom, it has been the most searched for diet and fitness app in the last few years. Noom provides many benefits that can help you reach your nutrition and weight loss goals. Here are a few of them. This […]
Monday Motivation: Will I Run Faster If I Weigh Less?
I write a lot about how to run faster. I share workouts, running tips, and general information about how runners can train to be better at their sport. I was intrigued by a comment on one of my posts a few years ago. I was asked if losing weight was important in order to run faster. […]