Wow! What a week. After two days at work, I was off to the IHRSA Convention (more on that later), where I spent four days living out of a suitcase, on mostly restaurant food (more on that later too). I also attended the grand opening of the Lorna Jane Active Living Room in La Jolla, spent some time with my family (and grandson!), and finished the week with my scheduled long run. That makes me kind of tired just to write, even though I just lived through it!

Squeezing in Workouts
It can be tough to stick with your plan and get in your workouts when life gets busy or if you’re on the road. Believe me, I wasn’t perfect myself, in spite of being surrounded with an amazing number of classes to attend, fitness equipment to try out, and staying in one of the most runner friendly locales in the country.
Being too busy is one of the most common excuses not to work out, and it can be a challenging one to overcome. At the convention, my first sessions started at 8:00. That meant to get in a run, shower, and drive to the convention center I needed to get out on the road by 6:00 at the latest. The problem? Well the recent time change was not in my favor. And I did not want to run alone, in the dark, in downtown San Diego. That meant…the dreadmill treadmill.

Another way I fit in fitness during my travel was to take advantage of the opportunities presented to me by the Lorna Jane opening (they had free classes), and some of the exhibitors at the trade show.
Grand Opening at Lorna Jane La Jolla
I was invited to attend the grand opening of the new Lorna Jane store in La Jolla and to attend one of the free classes they were offering all weekend (I was compensated for this, but my body actually had to do the workout). Silly me, I misread the schedule and thought that I was attending a Pilates class. It wasn’t until it was time to start that I found out that it was actually a class called Torture Intensity Training with Tim. Okay…
I was surrounded by much younger fitness enthusiasts (including Ashleigh from A Daily Cup of AsheeJoJo) , but, if I do say so myself I kept up pretty well. It was only about 30 minutes, but it was enough of a workout to get my heart pumping and my muscles burning.

Because I had the class schedule mixed up, I arrived early at the Lorna Jane store. That gave me an hour to spend shopping! Everyone at the shop was so helpful, and I ended up selecting several pieces that I love. I can’t wait to get back to La Jolla!

I also took the opportunity to take the Anti-Gravity Yoga class again at the IHRSA trade show. I did it last year and LOVED it. Unfortunately, we don’t have any locations to take the class in the desert, so I was on the lookout for it. It is a half hour long, and it is amazing. When you are supported by the silk hammocks you can do extraordinary things.

I also spent time here and there on several different brands of treadmills, just trying them out, enjoying all the bells and whistles that they have now.
All in all, I felt happy with my workouts during my trip. While they weren’t up to my normal level, or keeping up with my marathon training schedule, I did keep active. Not only that, the Friday workout at Lorna Jane kicked my butt! I woke up Saturday morning so sore I could hardly get out of bed. While I wanted to skip that treadmill run, I thought it might help loosen me up a little (it did not, but I’m still glad I ran).
In fact, I was so sore on Saturday that I was concerned about my Sunday long run. I was scheduled to run 15 miles. Could I do it when my legs were burning before I even started?
Before I left for home, I took a quick trip to my son and daughter-in-law’s and got to see guess who? Samuel! He is getting so big and starting to walk so well! Walking in spite of the new puppy, Chloe, who gets excited and tends to knock him over!
As a good grandma, I of course took some video too:
I will be filling you in completely about the IHRSA Convention in the upcoming days, but I did want to mention two things.
First, I was so happy to bump into Kymberly, from Fun and Fit. We met for the first time at last year’s convention, so it felt like old friends getting together when we saw each other. But, bad bloggers that we were, we didn’t get a single picture together! And I missed out on seeing her twin, Alexandra, who didn’t get to San Diego until Friday. Hopefully I won’t have to wait another year to see them again.

Sunday, finally back at home, I was scheduled to run 15 miles. My legs (not to mention my abs, chest, and shoulders) were so sore I was really concerned I wouldn’t be able to do it. That didn’t keep me from trying though.
Because I’d been gone all week, I really needed to take Penny and Buddy for a short run first:
I only took them for two miles, but I know they were happy about it. Then I headed out for the next 13.
Well, I was slow, feeling like I was shuffling along for a lot of the run, but I did it! I finished my 15 in 2:50, and boy was I happy to get it done. I actually felt pretty good, but my legs really were beat. I’m so happy that next week is a cut back week! Here’s the schedule for the coming week:
It is possible to get your training in if you really want it. There are ways to overcome the “I’m too busy” excuse. Check this post for ideas to help you get your fitness on no matter what the excuse.
How was your weekend? How do you overcome the “I’m too busy” excuse?
Funny, someone asked me today how I had time to workout (almost) everyday. It never really occurs to me NOT to do it. It makes me feel good… I consider it my “down” time after work!
Glad you had fun! I would love to try that anti-gravity yoga!!!
I love, love, love the anti gravity yoga. I am on a mission to bring it to my desert.
For those of us who work out, we simply find a way to fit it in. It’s a priority.
Wow! What a great few days. Love the treadmill at your hotel with the images of the trail and the Lorna Jane event sounds like it was challenging and fun. I am very interested in the journal–I am slightly addicted to journals (my husband claims I have a problem, I say I love the written word) anyway, glad you had a fun few days and look forward to hearing about IHRSA.
If I could just find the time to sit down and write about it! It’s been a crazy week, most of it spent catching up at work. I’m still not sure which journal I’m going to use. I like them both, and I think the At a Glance one is more practical, but the Lorna Jane one is so pretty ๐
Nice article.Runners have found many creative ways to fit training into a tight schedule.
You have to somewhat creative to get those workouts in! There’s this silly little thing called work that keeps getting in the way.
Nice job on traveling and working out! And getting through your 15 miler. Oh and the LJ stuff is so cute. when are they heading east????
Good question. I know they have one store outside of California (and Australia of course) in St. Louis. I just got an email that they’re opening another one in North County (I’m assuming North San Diego County, but I could be wrong.
oh Id love love love to meet up with you and go to a LORNA JANE store!!
we can lunge around and up and down the aisles ๐
That would be fun! Except the lunging part. Kidding! I’m in!
i workout first thing in the morning – that way no excuse can get in my way, itz done, and i have way more energy throughout the day! win win!
I’m with you on the early morning workout. If I don’t get it done early, I usually don’t get it done.
I just got home form a week-long vacation and did absolutely no workouts while I was there….with the exception of walking several miles a day at the parks in Disney World. It was nice to have a week off but I was thrilled to get back to my normal life this morning. ๐
Great job fitting it in while out of town!
It definitely has to be a priority, even over sleep or social fun sometimes if I’m going to make it happen. Looks like a really fun time!
Choosing fitness over sleep probably isn’t the best thing for the long run, though I know that my alarm clock goes off way earlier than it should if I want to get my full night in.
What a busy week!! I got a 2nd round of a nasty cold, so most of my weekend was spent relaxing, but I did make myself get in a 15 minute {slow to me} HIIT workout yesterday.
Good for you for getting in any kind of a workout when you’re sick. I hope you’re feeling better!
Great job fitting in your workouts while traveling!! How fun to try out new workouts during the conference too. The Lorna Jane store looks amazing. They need to come to NYC!
I keep hearing that about Lorna Jane. I feel so lucky that they’re here (well about 2 hours away, which is probably good for my pocketbook!).
you make it look so easy! and fun! it’s all about balance and planning, which you do well.
I tell you, travel is a lot easier when you have a refrigerator in your hotel room! We can only do our best, stick with our important diet choices (vegan, gluten free), and maybe relax a little about some of the things that aren’t as important.
The conference looks amazing.
I get up early (and earlier still sometimes) to make sure I have time to workout.
That’s the only way I get it done. If I wait, chances are life will interfere.
I am tired reading this! ๐ Looks like lots of fun though too at all the events & the fitness clothes are cute!!!!!
OMG – I want that treadmill since I run mostly on a treadmill – want it!!! ๐
Your grandson is adorable!!!!!
I’m (obviously) not a treadmill fan, but if I have to do it I love having the options of the video trail, movies (and more, some have internet!).
Sounds like you had a stellar trip Debbie; the conference, the blogger friends, your workouts and LORNA JANE! (Can you tell I’m most jealous about the last one? ๐ )
Lorna Jane was one of the best parts :-). La Jolla is like a women’s fitness mecca. In addition to LJ, there is also Lululemon, Lucy, Title IX all within a couple block. Then you can toddle on down to the beach for a run along the coast in your fancy new exercise clothes!
Anti-gravity yoga looks like fun
I love it! I wish it was more widespread.
What a great trip! I love Lorna Jane (I’m Australian, so I’m biased), so I’m glad you had some shopping time. The anti-gravity yoga sounds amazing. ๐
It is my mission to bring anti gravity yoga to the desert. I’m not sure how, because I’m not a yoga instructor, but I really love it. I love Lorna Jane too, and I’m not even Australian!
antigravity yoga looks fun!!! And…I really want to steal buddy!!