It’s finally Spring! It’s been a long and very cold winter. Even the hardiest of runners have been driven indoors, forced to run on the dreadmill for fear of sub-zero temperatures and icy roads. That’s why now is a good time to spring clean your running routine.
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Spring Clean Your Running Routine
The start of spring is, in many ways, like the start of the new year. It’s a great time to take a look at our running routine to see if there are ways we can improve our performance, get stronger, and feel better. Here are a few tips that will help you spring clean your running routine.
Take it Easy
Whether you have spent the winter cross training, running on the treadmill, or just using the time as recovery, expect to spend some time transitioning to your spring running routine. You may want to charge out the door like a horse at the starting gate but you should take a couple of weeks to build your mileage and allow yourself time to adapt to outdoor surfaces.
Adapt Your Strength Training
Many runners use the winter time to work on their strength program, using heavier weights and fewer repetitions, with the idea of getting stronger. With the spring comes the time to change things up and get back to your running-focused strength program.
Spring is also a great time to try something new to keep things fresh in your workouts. You can change up your workouts by using new tools like kettlebells, the TRX, the Vipr, or other fun and functional equipment. Remember, if you’ve never used this equipment it’s wise to learn from a professional how to do it correctly.
Sign up for a Race (or Three)
During an endless winter, it may seem like you will never get to race again. Now is a great time to pick a few late Spring or early summer races to train for.
You can also freshen up your racing routine by trying a new race distance, a trail race, or even a relay race. Take a weekend racecation and explore a new town while you’re running through it.
Explore Some New Routes
Whether you’ve been able to tough it out outside or been forced indoors, finding some new routes to run will put a spring in your step this spring. Explore a new trail, run in a different direction, or join a friend on a new running route.
Dedicate Yourself to Self Care
Taking care of our bodies is one of the most important things we can do for ourselves as runners. Most of us have good intentions but frequently skimp on pre-run warmup and post-run stretching and foam rolling. Work on making new habits that include these things and your body will reward you with better performance and fewer injuries.
Freshen up Your Running Wardrobe
Who doesn’t like to add a few new pieces to their running wardrobe? The start of spring is a great time to freshen up your running gear. A new pair (or two) of shorts, a couple of fun tops will help you welcome spring running with open arms. Here are a few of my favorites.
This Adidas Run It Logo top is my new favorite tank and it goes beautifully with my new Saturday Graphic Shorts!
I fell in love with these Three Stripes Shorts because of the cute design, plus I love how well they fit!
Recovery is important, so I consider these Cloudfoam One Thong Sandals an important part of my recovery strategy.
I purchased these Linear Tights a few months ago, but they are still one of my favorite workout essentials!
What’s your favorite way to freshen up your running routine?
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Meatless Monday with Sarah and Deborah
All About Running with Janell
The Running Coaches’ Corner with Marc and Me!
The Weekly Run Down with Deborah and Kim
I usually run more mileage in spring, so it’s a good reminder to take extra care of my body as I do so. A couple of pieces of new gear are so exciting, especially after spending more of winter bundled up!
It’s easy to get excited about finally getting to run more (and outdoors) and forget we need to build back up to it.
I am SOOOO enjoying the transition back to outdoor running! I have not interacted with Milly in two weeks, and I have to honestly say I do not miss her company 😉
For some reason I think of you when I talk about runners being forced to run on the treadmill. 🙂
Spring is a great time to update your plans and your gear. Love those shorts I could use some new ones. Thanks for the linkup
Spring is a rebirth for nature, so it feels right to freshen things up.
Thanks for the tips! One thing I’m going to try this Spring is running new routes. I get so tired of running the same routes over and over again!
I hear you! I’ve been running for so many years it’s pretty hard to find new routes to run.
Thanks for the tips. All great.
I have no problem signing up for races or updating my wardrobe. If only the weather would cooperate.
I know it’s been rough for many around the country. I hope it warms up soon!
Right now I’m fine tuning it by just taking it easy, LOL. But it’s exciting to see all the snow disappear & be able to run at more places again!
It really must be exciting after such a long and cold winter!
I love the idea of changing up your routes. It is so easy to get into such a rut with where you run all the time. Love those great shorts!
Thanks! I love these shorts. One of the problems with running the same route is that you tend to race against yourself. Changing things around makes that less likely.
Now that I’m at the end of my 2 weeks recovery from my marathon, I need to look into what’s next on my racing calendar 🙂
Thanks for sharing.
I hope you enjoyed your recovery! Good luck with whatever is up next!
All good tips! So happy to see Spring start to finally make an appearance around here!
It must feel great to feel a little warmth again!