If you ask any runner what they would like to improve about their running, chances are most would answer that they’d like to run faster. It’s kind of a metric for improvement. When you start running you just want to be able to run. Once you can run, the next goal is to run faster. […]
Top of the Local News: OUR Anniversary!
It’s Our Anniversary! I originally wrote this 10 years ago! Today is our 25th anniversary but most of what’s here still applies. I did not run the Tram Road Challenge this year (and Alan didn’t announce it) but everything else still stands. Fifteen years ago today, my husband Alan and I woke up at about […]
Self Care for Runners: It’s Worth the Time!
Runners love to run. We’ll get up early, head out after dark, spend Saturday on a long run, then head out for a race on Sunday. When it comes to Self Care for Runners though, we seem to have a common excuse. I don’t have time! I’ve been guilty of this myself. After all, with […]
Prepare When You’re Young to Keep Running When You’re Old
I see them at the fitness center where I work all the time. Former runners. Some of them are clients, others are members that I chat with. I’ll say something about running and they’ll say, wistfully, “I used to run.” I don’t want that to be you (or me). That’s why you should prepare when […]
Prime Day Self Care Deals from Bob and Brad
It’s that time of year again! Prime Day is just around the corner on October 8 and 9 and I hope you’re as excited as I am. Today let’s talk about some great self-care deals from Bob and Brad. This post is sponsored by Bob and Brad. It contains affiliate links. I have been following […]
5 Answers to Beginning Runners’ Questions
Today I am answering questions that I hear frequently from beginning runners. If you have a running question, please email me or leave a comment and I will be happy to answer. This post is sponsored by adidas. 5 Beginning Runners’ Questions Answered I want to start running but every time I try I get injured. […]