Happy Global Running Day! This is pretty much my favorite holiday because it means I get to talk about running all day! Oh, hmm, well l guess I already do that but it’s still one of my favorite holidays. Today, let’s talk about running gear. I frequently get asked about my favorite running gear. From […]
11 Tips to Crush Your Ragnar Trail Race
A few days ago, I received a message from a local Facebook friend (Alan and I used to coach her son in cross country). She told me that she had been talked into joining Ragnar Trail Appalachian in August. Her problem? She’s not a runner. In my opinion, this is definitely doable. Her team is […]
Marathon Training: 9 Tips that will Improve Your Marathon Time
Whether you’ve run one marathon or 20, chances are you have a goal common to many other runners. You want to improve your marathon time. I ran my first marathon, in Honolulu in 1996, in 4:10. After that, my time actually went up to 4:25 in my fourth marathon, then gradually came down until I […]
2020 Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide for Runners (plus Black Friday Deals!)
Just to get this straight: My Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide for Runners is, like always, a wish list. I’m a runner. This is what I’d like for Christmas (or things I received last Christmas and love). Just sayin’. I’m also saying that I received products from some of these companies to try out and this […]
A Different Type of Track Workout to get you Stronger & Faster
As runners, we frequently say things like, “I need to do some strength training,” or “I need to improve my core strength,” or “I really should do some speed work.” What if you could do a track workout that included all of that at one time? Now that would be a different type of track […]
How Running Can Change Your Life
Happy Global Running Day! I’m always happy to share this day devoted to our favorite sport with my fellow (and future) runners! It’s a perfect day for a run, of course, and it’s also a good day to take a moment to remember how running can change your life. Running is basically a miracle drug. […]