I’m just back from the IDEA World Virtual Convention and I’m all jazzed up with excitement about what I learned in my sessions. Well, just back isn’t exactly correct since I never really went anywhere, but I am excited to share some of the things I learned with you. And yes, even though my sessions […]
The Top 5 Most Embarrassing Running Questions Answered
As a coach, both to teenage cross country runners and adults training for all distances, I get a lot of questions about how to train, dress, what kind of shoes to wear, etc. Sometimes, though, a runner will approach me hesitantly, almost secretively, and whisper something like, “um, coach? I, um, have a question.” Voice […]
My Favorite Self-Care Tools Plus Tips to Use Them
I talk a lot about self-care, especially stretching, foam rolling, and vibration therapy, with a little massage and assisted stretching thrown in. While self-care may sound indulgent, it is actually one of the most important things runners can do to improve performance, reduce the risk of injury, and simply move better. With that in mind, […]
The Best Running Tips Ever. 20 Great Tips for Beginners to the Elite
I have shared a lot of running tips over the years. Everything from how to start running, injury prevention tips, running your first half marathon or marathon, to how to stay motivated and mentally strong. I thought it would be fun to take the best points of all of those posts and share them together […]
My 39th Marathon: Sprouts Mesa Marathon Race Report
On Saturday I ran my 39th marathon. That sounds like such a simple statement, doesn’t it? It really applies to all marathoners, whether is their first or their 50th. Saying that you ran a marathon, while it’s very impressive, especially to non-runners, but it still doesn’t give the full story of what went on before, […]