Every January a lot of people pick the new year as a time to make new plans, goals, and resolutions. Many decide that this is the year that they will finally start a fitness program and get fit, lose weight, or generally get healthier. Sadly, by February, a good portion of those people have already […]
Create SMART Goals to Achieve Your Fitness and Weight Loss Goals
Have you tried over and over again to lose weight or start a fitness program? You get started, try really hard, then don’t see results. It can be so frustrating! Does that sound like you? Do you make goals every year to live a healthier lifestyle? Eat better, get fit, lose weight? Only to give […]
5 Tips for Holding Onto Your Fitness and Running Resolutions
Yikes! It’s already March. How are those fitness and running resolutions doing? After a burst of enthusiasm and determination in January, when many people make their health, weight loss and running goals, we are now about a week into March, when, unfortunately, many of those awesome resolutions have started to slip. One of the mistakes […]
5 Tips for Creating and Achieving Running and Life Goals in 2023
Have you ever felt like a failure because you failed in achieving your running and life goals for the new year? Whether you call them resolutions, goals, or plans, many people tend to start off the new year with the idea of creating some kind of change in their life. Losing weight, starting a running […]
Creating Running Goals for 2021
I wasn’t sure whether to write this post. I mean, do we really know what’s going to happen in 2021? Obviously, we all hope for the best, an end to the pandemic, races returning, the ability to travel again. I’m not even sure where to start. But, after a little thought, I decided that creating […]
Learning to Breathe, Breathing to Heal
2016 will be my year of learning to breathe and breathing to heal. In many ways, writing this post, which is about my personal and health goals for 2016, is very difficult. Figuring out what I need to do and how I’m going to do it has been forcing me to take a look at […]