Those of you who know me, or have been reading my blog for a while, know that I tend to be a fair-weather yogi. I try, I really do, but between running and strength training, not to mention work, blogging, and, well, my personal life, yoga is frequently the first thing to go by the […]
The 5 Most Important Strength Exercises for Runners
I think most runners have come to realize the benefits of incorporating strength exercises into their training. (If not, read here.) From better performance, injury prevention, to improving balance and just feeling better, adding strength training will simply help you run better. But in spite of all that I still hear from runners that don’t […]
2020 Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide for Runners (plus Black Friday Deals!)
Just to get this straight: My Ultimate Holiday Gift Guide for Runners is, like always, a wish list. I’m a runner. This is what I’d like for Christmas (or things I received last Christmas and love). Just sayin’. I’m also saying that I received products from some of these companies to try out and this […]
The Striving for Balance Workout
This week seems like a good time to take a second look at the Striving for Balance workout. I sometimes feel like I rush through my life on a tightrope with plates on my head and balls in the air. Excuse my mixed metaphor, but if you think about it (or picture it), it becomes […]
A Different Type of Track Workout to get you Stronger & Faster
As runners, we frequently say things like, “I need to do some strength training,” or “I need to improve my core strength,” or “I really should do some speed work.” What if you could do a track workout that included all of that at one time? Now that would be a different type of track […]
8 Essential Strength Exercises for Runners with a Workout
I have to admit that currently all my workouts are done indoors and at home. But, I love to work out outdoors and can hardly wait until the weather cools down enough here in the desert to do so. Whether you’re inside or out, using a dumbbell or a rock, these essential strength exercises can […]