If you’re like most people, whether you’re a beginner, intermediate, or an advanced runner, you probably want to improve your running. Of course, that can mean different things to different people. While a beginner may just want to run a mile without walking, to another runner, “improve your running” may mean to run faster, longer, […]
5 Tips for Holding Onto Your Fitness and Running Resolutions
Yikes! It’s already March. How are those fitness and running resolutions doing? After a burst of enthusiasm and determination in January, when many people make their health, weight loss and running goals, we are now about a week into March, when, unfortunately, many of those awesome resolutions have started to slip. One of the mistakes […]
How TRX Training Can Make You a Better Runner
I’ve been using the TRX for a long time both for myself and my clients, as well as sharing workouts here, but since taking the TRX Training Course a while back, I became a better teacher because I learned so much about how to adapt TRX training to all levels. Today I want to talk […]
“Workout” is Not a Verb and Other Grammar Gripes
I like to bring this post out every year or so because people are still not listening! One of my major grammar gripes, the one that originally inspired me to write this post, is the use of the word “workout” as a verb. I see it all the time. “I am going to go workout […]
Create Your Half Marathon Race Plan and Avoid a Race Day Fail
We’ve all done it, no matter the race distance. Trained hard, stuck to our plan, did the taper, got psyched up for the race, then, bam! Race day comes and it all falls apart. Let’s not let that happen again! Whether it’s your first half marathon or your 50th, learn how to create your half […]
Marathon Training: 9 Tips that will Improve Your Marathon Time
Whether you’ve run one marathon or 20, chances are you have a goal common to many other runners. You want to improve your marathon time. I ran my first marathon, in Honolulu in 1996, in 4:10. After that, my time actually went up to 4:25 in my fourth marathon, then gradually came down until I […]