Every January a lot of people pick the new year as a time to make new plans, goals, and resolutions. Many decide that this is the year that they will finally start a fitness program and get fit, lose weight, or generally get healthier. Sadly, by February, a good portion of those people have already […]
Gym Etiquette: How to Be a Responsible Gym-Goer
Most gyms are in that January rush, where millions head out with goals to get fit, lose weight, get strong, etc. The crowds are often big so it’s really important to learn a little about how to behave at the gym to keep the peace during your workouts. We have talked about how to maintain […]
Achieving Fitness Goals: 10 Tips for Joining a Gym
With the start of a new year, many people decide that it is time to start achieving fitness goals. For some, that means starting a running program, for others, it can mean joining a gym for the first time. Joining a gym can be very intimidating for new exercisers. You may feel that you are […]
Create SMART Goals to Achieve Your Fitness and Weight Loss Goals
Have you tried over and over again to lose weight or start a fitness program? You get started, try really hard, then don’t see results. It can be so frustrating! Does that sound like you? Do you make goals every year to live a healthier lifestyle? Eat better, get fit, lose weight? Only to give […]
Prepare When You’re Young to Keep Running When You’re Old
I see them at the fitness center where I work all the time. Former runners. Some of them are clients, others are members that I chat with. I’ll say something about running and they’ll say, wistfully, “I used to run.” I don’t want that to be you (or me). That’s why you should prepare when […]
Feel Like Quitting? How to Overcome the Top 5 Exercise Excuses
You haven’t started your fitness program yet. Or you started it, lasted a few weeks, then quit. You know you should stick with it. You’ve heard the benefits. Plus you hate starting over every time. So, what’s your excuse? Oh, and try to be original with your exercise excuses. As a personal trainer and coach, […]