Here’s a quick little workout that will challenge your core, balance, and overall strength. Yes, it’s a great runner’s workout, but everyone will benefit from this fun challenge.
Even today, many runners stick to running alone as their primary workout. While I completely understand (I did that for years), strength training needs to be a component of your workout routine. Not only will it help you be a better runner, but it will also prevent injuries.
Here's a fun runner's workout that will strengthen your glutes, hips, core and upper body, and improve your balance! It's challenging and fun! #running #runnersworkoutClick To TweetThis runner’s workout will strengthen your entire body, including your glutes, quads, hamstrings, and core, all of which are important for running. It will also improve your balance, another plus for runners since running is basically just jumping from one leg to another.
Runner’s Workout
These five exercises will strengthen your entire body making it a perfect runner’s workout for those who don’t want to spend a lot of time in the gym. In fact, though you do need a few pieces of equipment, the entire workout can be done at home.
What you need:
BOSU, Medicine Ball, Kettlebell, Step/Box/Bench
How to do the runner’s workout
Perform each exercise for 60 seconds (for unilateral exercises it’s 60 seconds on each side).
Do each exercise in order with minimal rest between each, then rest for a minute. Repeat for 2-4 sets.
In order to best work your core and glutes it’s important to make sure to engage both when you do these exercises.
Side Lunge to Curtsey Lunge
Muscles Worked: Quads, Glutes, Adductors, Abductors, Gluteus Medius, Core
Stand holding a medicine ball in front of you. Step with your right foot into a side lunge. Make sure to keep your right foot pointing forward and sit back into the lunge. Twist to your right with the medicine ball. Push back to center, then step your right foot behind into a curtsy lunge. Twist to the left with the medicine ball. Perform all reps on the right, then repeat on the left side.
Muscles Worked: Lats, Shoulders, Arms, Core. Also improves Balance
Hold a kettlebell or dumbbell in your left hand. Step onto the BOSU with your right foot in a semi-lunge position. You can place your right hand on your thigh for extra stability. Engage your core. Keep your arm close to your side as you “row.” Visualize drawing your left shoulder blade toward your spine. Perform all reps on the left, then repeat on the right side.
BOSU Pushup
Muscles worked: Pecs, Triceps, Core, Serratus Anterior, Shoulders
Start in a high plank position with the right hand on the BOSU and the left hand on the ground. Perform a pushup. Move up and over the BOSU by putting your left hand on the BOSU and moving the right hand to the ground. Perform another pushup. Continue alternating through your reps. It can be done on your knees. For an extra challenge, you can flip the BOSU to the other side.
Crossover Lateral Step Up
Muscles worked: Gluteus Maximus, Gluteus Medius. Improves balance.
Stand on a step, box, or bench with your weight on your right leg, which is at the edge of the step. Slowly, bend your right knee, stepping your left leg behind to touch the ground. Use your right leg to lift back up (don’t “bounce” off the left foot). Perform all reps on the right, then repeat on the left side.
BOSU Lunge w/Twist
Muscles Worked: Quads, Hamstrings, Glutes, Core. Improves Balance.
Hold a medicine ball in both hands. Step into a lunge on the BOSU with your right foot. Twist the medicine ball to the right. Step back then repeat with the left leg, twisting the medicine ball to the left. Repeat for all reps.
Take a breather for a minute then repeat!
Here’s the workout! Pin it for later!
What’s your favorite strength training move?
And Now It’s Time for the Runners’ Roundup!
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I have not used my boss in a while! When I do, I am always happy about it. It’s a great workout and a fab way to up the intensity of moves that you already do
I love using my bosu!
These are all great! I especially like that side lunge.
I love side lunges! So many of our movements are in the sagital plan so it feels good to move sideways.
Oh, I think I need a Bosu ball! These exercises are great!
My strength workouts have taken a bit of a backseat due to marathon training, but I’m not happy with that. I look forward to more strength workouts after the race!
Oh, wow. These all look so great! I really do love a bosu ball. So versatile and challegning!