About 24 years ago I ran what would turn out to be my PR on a downhill marathon course. I had done no specific downhill training, and I suffered that last six miles. Even though it was my 15th marathon, I was so sore the next day that I could hardly walk. If I had known then what I know now, I would have done some targeted training for that downhill marathon.
Downhill running is tough. It takes a toll on your body, your quadriceps, knees, and feet in particular, especially when you are running 26.2 miles. A course, like Boston, or the Mesa Marathon, which I last ran in 2020, that has a net elevation loss, sounds like it should be an easier task, but without specific training, those downhills can leave you with dead legs during the latter part of your race.
How to Successfully Train for a Downhill Marathon
Do you have a downhill marathon on your schedule? They're great but can be hard on your body. Here are 11 training tips so you can crush that race! #running #runningtipsClick To TweetWhat is so tough about running a downhill marathon? Running downhill causes muscles to lengthen or make eccentric contractions, which can cause microscopic tears and generate more force than when running uphill or on flat surfaces. It also causes your feet to hit the ground harder, which in turn causes the muscles, bones, and joints to endure more pounding.
Adding downhill running to your training has many benefits, not the least of which is preparing your body for a downhill marathon or other race. You can read about other benefits and get some tips for running downhill here.
Here are specific tips you can incorporate into your training plan if you will be running a downhill marathon.
1. Downhill Running
As you begin your marathon training, incorporate downhill running into most of your long runs, building up gradually over the course of your training. Rolling hills are great. They will balance your workout as well as your body. Most downhill marathons have uphills worked in too!
Starting with a downhill that has about a 3-4% grade will keep you from overdoing it. Downhill running is hard on your body, which may require additional recovery time, so increase both the grade and running distance slowly. Ideally, find a route that has an elevation profile similar to your upcoming race, especially toward the end of your training.
You can also incorporate downhill running into some of your tempo and race-pace runs. Maintain or slightly increase your pace on the downhills, focusing on form, control, and on running lightly. This simply means avoiding the heavy-footed stride that can happen on downhills. Instead, visualize your foot springing off the ground.
2. Uphill Running
Hill workouts are great for any type of training, whether or not you are running an uphill or downhill marathon. They strengthen your entire lower body, particularly glutes, hamstrings, and calves, and as Frank Shorter once said, are basically speedwork in disguise. Running uphill builds power and will help balance out the downhill training.
3 Hill Workouts to Get Stronger and Faster
3. Strength Training
An overall strength training program is important for any runner, but especially important when you’re training for a downhill marathon. In particular, you should focus on your leg strength, quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes.
Improve Your Running by Activating Your Glutes
Essential Strength Exercises for Runners
4. Mobility Training
It has become clear in recent years that mobility training is the secret sauce of running success. Mobility encompasses not only muscle flexibility but the ability to move through an increased range of motion. Improve your mobility through strength training, foam rolling, stretching, and other movement exercises.
5 Minute Dynamic Warmup: 3 Steps to Mobilize and Activate Your Hips
The Key to a Healthy Butt: 5 Tips for Strong Mobile Glutes
5. Plyometrics
Rebound-type exercises, where you jump down, then immediately spring up again can be helpful when training for a downhill marathon. They train you to absorb eccentric shock, so adding exercises like split squat jumps, box jumps or jump squats once a week or so can be beneficial for your downhill marathon.
Here’s a combo Plyometrics/Unilateral Workout that can help your downhill running
6. Core Training
Again, a strong core is essential for all runners, so whether or not you’re training for a downhill marathon you should be adding core strength exercises into your fitness program. Good form is essential when running downhill, and a strong core will help you maintain your form and posture.
5 Great Core Exercises (that aren’t planks)
5 Plank Variations for a Stronger Core
7. Check Your Shoes
Downhill running puts extra stress on your forefoot, so trying a shoe that has more cushioning than you usually wear may be helpful.
8. Watch Your Form
When gravity pulls you downhill it can be easy to lose form, increase your stride length unnaturally, and possibly even lose control down the hill. As you train for your downhill marathon, these are all things to watch for.
Practical Tips that will Improve running form
9. Don’t Forget Recovery
As I mentioned, downhill running is hard on your body, so be sure to take the time to recover after a hard workout. As with any other type of training, alternating a hard day with an easier, recovery workout or a day off is ideal.
5 Tips to Improve Recovery During Training
10. Taper Off
Downhill training is quite intense, so give yourself extra time before your goal race to recover. A three-week taper will make sure that your body is rested, recovered, and fresh for race day.
The Art (and some science) of the Marathon Taper
11. Have a Race Plan
Take a look at your downhill marathon course and make a plan for race day. If the race is downhill from the start, avoid blasting off too fast. Your legs will regret it by mile 18 or so. Even a downhill finish can be challenging, so plan your pacing accordingly.
Race Day Tips for a Successful Marathon
Have you run a downhill marathon (or half marathon). Anything to add?
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That’s a good tip with the plyometrics. The body has to deal with so much pounding on a downhill race.
I just did box jumps yesterday, but we jumped up and stepped down. I guess for proper downhill training I would need to jump off the box, too.
Yes. A good way to do plyometrics is to jump up, jump down, then jump back up again (probably on another box). Not quite so high on the jump down, especially at first.
I’ve never done a downhill marathon. I’ve always thought they sounded easier but I know they come with their own set of challenges! I think a course like Boston would be particularly tricky.
Yes, Boston is tough because you’re running downhill most of the race then you get to Heartbreak Hill and it really is a heart breaker. 🙂