This weekend I was fortunate to be able to attend the 2020 IDEA World Fitness Convention. Of course, as with all other live events this year, the version I was looking forward to, in Anaheim, was turned into a virtual event. The question in my mind, would it be worth my time and money? As […]
Shine On! Fitness News and the Weekly Run Down
During the last six months (meaning during the pandemic) I have not planted a garden, made sourdough bread, or even thoroughly cleaned my house. What I have done though earned certifications in Stretching and Flexibility, TRX Instruction, and Mobility Specialist. And now, in new fitness news, I have two more educational programs coming up! Fitness […]
Ultimate Body Blaster Workout: 5 Moves for Total Body Conditioning
I put this ultimate body blaster workout together for a client of mine a while back. With only five exercises, including cardio, it will challenge your entire body, especially your core and glutes. My client did two sets, but, depending on your time and goals you can do from one to five! It’s heating […]
Fitness Education! Plus a Cutback Week and a Road Trip
During this pandemic, I have not used the time to start home improvement projects. My house is not spotless. I haven’t made sourdough bread. One thing I have done though is invested in my fitness education. First I took a Stretching and Flexibility course. That was way back in April which seems like eons ago. […]
Just Hanging Around: The Weekly Run Down
Since the Shelter in Place orders were put place, I’ve been doing just that, sheltering in place. Even now, with California getting ready to enter Phase three at the end of this week, with some restaurants and shops already opened up, we’ve stayed at home, not ready to face the risk. Basically just hanging around. […]
A Multitasking Workout
Multitasking: Dealing with more than one task at the same time. “parenting skills such as multitasking and concentrating amid distractions are easily transferable to the workplace” While many people claim to be proud of their multitasking abilities, it seems to be mostly a myth we accomplish more when we try to do more than one […]