I will get right to the question you have all been asking, 'So, how did it all come out?' The answer, 'It was great.' Now, to back up a little, as I posted on Saturday, Alan received a call from a man who told him that he was his son. After spending a restless Friday night, he was up early on Saturday, on the internet, on the telephone to his new-found daughter-in-law, just finding out what he could about this man, Kelly. It didn't take long to find a picture: Aren't they beautiful? Alan's son & his wife A close"> I will get right to the question you have all been asking, 'So, how did it all come out?' The answer, 'It was great.' Now, to back up a little, as I posted on Saturday, Alan received a call from a man who told him that he was his son. After spending a restless Friday night, he was up early on Saturday, on the internet, on the telephone to his new-found daughter-in-law, just finding out what he could about this man, Kelly. It didn't take long to find a picture: Aren't they beautiful? Alan's son & his wife A close"> The Way It All Came Out

The Way It All Came Out
