I admit it. Sometimes I take running for granted. After more than 25 years, I am, of course, happy that I can still enjoy running, but I don’t always give running the credit for all it has brought to my life. So today, on this day before Thanksgiving, this thankful runner is giving credit where credit is due.
The Thankful Runner: 10 Reasons I’m Grateful to Running
I’m Grateful for My Running Friends
This thankful runner is most especially grateful for all the friends that running has brought into my life over the years. From my partner in crime (and marathoning) with whom I finished about 10 of my 38 marathons, to my friend and former neighbor who is new to running but excited about challenging herself, running friends are simply the best friends.
Many of my best running friends these days are known to me through social media. I’ve been fortunate to meet some of them, but I still feel close even to those I just know through their blogs and Instagram posts.
I’m also thankful for all the friends I make at any running event. We all have such an important thing in common, which makes for an instant connection.
I’m Grateful for My Husband
Many of you know the story of how my husband and I met. In a nutshell, we met at the finish line of the Tram Road Challenge. We were both done with the race and cheering on the other finishers. We started chatting and when he won a raffle prize of a dinner for two at a local restaurant, he asked me out. The rest, as they say, is history.
I’m Grateful for My Health
I am so fortunate, at age 65, to be healthy and active. Sadly, I see so many people my age and even younger, who are struggling with their health. Running keeps me moving and keeps my heart strong.
I’m Grateful for My Career
I’m a running coach and running blogger. Obviously, that would not have happened without running. Even my “real job,” as a personal trainer and stretch therapist, is associated with activity and fitness.
I’m Grateful for All the Food
I admit it. I love to eat. Which is fortunate because I’m always hungry! And while I eat healthfully for the most part, because of running I can treat myself to an occasional indulgence and not worry about counting calories (or macros, I admit it).
I’m Grateful for My Self-Confidence
If you knew me when I was a kid you wouldn’t recognize me now. I was so shy I could hardly talk to anyone or look them in the eye. While many things contributed to my improved self-esteem over the years, it has really been running that has given me the confidence to take on the world. Yes, I’m still a shy kid at heart, but now I know I am enough and can rise above my fears.
I’m Grateful for the Places I’ve Seen
Run-cations and Race-cations are the best! This thankful runner has had the thrill of running through Paris, Florence, Honolulu, and many other destinations.
I’m Grateful for my Problem Solving Skills
While I generally listen to music or a book while I’m running, when I have a lot on my mind I will turn off the external sounds and allow my mind to wander. It’s amazing how a mind unleashed while running can figure things out! Sometimes I feel like I’ve solved the problems of the world but most often it’s the answer to a small personal problem.
I’m Grateful for My Perseverance
It took me almost three years and a dozen or so marathons before everything finally came together and I took seven minutes off my best marathon time. Running your best doesn’t happen overnight. It takes hard work, of course, but it also takes perseverance. Perseverance to stick with the training, push through the workouts, and ignore that little voice that tells you to slow down.
I’m Grateful That I Know I Can Accomplish Anything
Running is hard. Running a 5k as fast as you can is hard. PRing your marathon is hard. Running in the freezing rain is hard. Getting out of bed when it’s dark and cold and heading out the door for a long run is hard. Yet this thankful runner does it. You do it. And believe me when I tell you. If you can do all of that, you can do just about anything. Yes, I can do hard things. And you can do hard things.
What makes you grateful for running?
And Now It’s Time for the Runners’ Roundup!
Weekly Linkups
My weekly linkups! Please stop by and check out all of the great recipes, workouts, and information that all these awesome bloggers share every week!
Meatless Monday with Sarah and Deborah
Inspire Me Monday with Janet
Tuesday Topics with Kim and Zenaida
The Runners’ Roundup with Deborah, Lisa, Jenn, Laura, and Me!
The Weekly Run Down with Deborah and Kim
Fit Five Friday with Darlene, Michelle, Renee, Jenn, and Zenaida
Ultimate Coffee Date with Deborah and Coco
These are very similar to the reasons I shared in my post today! I definitely agree that running has given me more confidence, which was not something I expected to happen!
Running really gives us so much!
Running has brought so many fantastic people into my life. My best friends are those I have met through running. I am thankful every day that my body can allow me to run and keep chasing my dreams
Same here. I don’t run with friends very often these days but I still stay connected with all of the people I’ve met through running.
I posted mine last Tuesday but yours are great reasons to run.
I am thankful for how stronger and healthy running makes me feel. I am also thankful for those runners I’ve met and have become my friends both near and far.
Yep, I think those are the most important things I’m grateful for too.
Running has brought so much to my life and has given me much to be thankful for! Great post Debbie!
Thank you. There are so many things about running to be thankful for.
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