So you’re starting a blog! You’ve set your goals, found more readers, purchased your own domain and become self-hosted. The next step may be to start to make money blogging. This post will help you get started.
Make Money Blogging
There are many ways to make money blogging. Some are direct, like advertising, sponsored posts, and product reviews. Other ways include selling products or services through your blog. This post will discuss some of the methods that I’m familiar with, plus I hope that readers will chime in with their suggestions, which I’ll add to the list.
The first step (which is done if you’ve read my previous posts), is to make sure you’re writing quality posts, your site is clean and professional looking, and you’ve got your social media in order. Don’t worry if you don’t have huge numbers yet. Numbers are important but they are not the only thing that brands look at.
One reminder. While I am working with some of these organizations, I’m not recommending them for you. Your needs may be different than mine. I suggest you go to each, do a little more research, see what they have to offer, then make your decision.
Affiliate Advertising
Affiliate advertising is working either directly through a brand or, more commonly, through an affiliate network. You place the ads on your site, then when people purchase through your link you earn a commission. It is my opinion that affiliate advertising works the best when you offer products that you love. Maybe you’ve already talked about them on your blog; if so your readers know that they can trust your recommendation.
Shareasale: I work with several affiliate marketing companies because you will find different brands on each one. With Shareasale I affiliate with PRO Compression,, Studio Press, Manitoba Harvest Hemp Foods, and a few others.
AvantLink: I am an affiliate for Skirt Sports, Aftershokz, Hydroflask, Road Runner Sports, and a few others through Avantlink.
Rakuten Marketing: As I write this post I discovered that I needed to update some of my programs on Rakuten, but it works similarly to the other two.
I am also a direct affiliate with Target (because..Target!), Legend Compression, NuZest, and a few more. They work the same as the networks, but you work directly with the vendor (or their advertising team).
Google Adsense: Adsense is another service available from Google. You can select or veto categories, pick the size of the ad that you want, and use as many or few ads as you want. The downside is that even though you’ve picked your categories, sometimes the ads are not in line with your own personal brand.
Amazon Associates: This is one of my favorite affiliations. Since you can buy almost anything through Amazon, you can link to almost everything that you write about organically. Amazon also recently instituted CPM (cost per 1,000 impressions) advertising. With CPM you get paid based on your pageviews, similar to publishing networks.
Publishing Networks
I used to work with the Blogher Publishing Network. Publishing networks are a bit more exclusive, meaning you can’t work with more than one, so be sure to research your choices. With the ads, you get paid on a CPM basis (costs per 1,000 impressions). You may or may not have control over the types of ads. For example, the reason I left Blogher was that they changed their policy regarding preventing types of ads that I was not comfortable with, such as those for meat products.
Some of the networks also restrict the other advertising, sponsored posts, and other types of revenue methods that you can use, so that’s even a better reason to read the fine print. Publishing networks frequently offer sponsored post opportunities, social media opportunities (you get paid so much to tweet or post to Facebook), and syndication (where one of your posts appears on their site).
Blogher: This was my network. Aside from the lack of control over ads I was pretty happy with them.Obviously, the more pageviews you have, the more CPM (which applies to all of the publishing networks), but I’ve had other writing opportunities as well. And they syndicated one of my posts once! I am still a social media influencer with Blogher and I receive occasional content sharing campaigns through them.
Here is a great resource of 25 publishing networks. I have not used any of them, so I hope you will take the time to research and decide which one is best for you.
“Middleman Agencies”
This is a large category, and each company offers different types of opportunities and in a variety of ways. Some are basically advertising agencies that work with bloggers and brands. Other have a personal networking aspect, where you connect with other bloggers and they offer a few paid opportunities along the way. The companies listed below are in no particular order, and I will add more as I learn of them.
TapInfluence: One of my top choices for sponsored posts, the platform is also used by other marketing groups because they have a user-friendly program that does it all. Here you don’t apply directly for campaigns, you are sent invitations to apply for campaigns that might fit your niche.
Social Fabric: Social Fabric, which is the shopper social media company owned by Collective Bias, has many things to offer. There are a lot of sponsored post opportunities for which you can apply, there is a community of other bloggers with questions and advice, and they have SoFabU, which offers an amazing array of blogging education opportunities.
Linqia: I have had a lot of success with Linqia and their pay-per-click medium. They also have a great platform, a good community of bloggers working together on campaigns, and they pay faster than any other company that I’ve worked with.
Fitfluential: Fitfluential has a special place in my heart because it was the first networking group that I joined. Kelly and crew were the ones that taught me exactly what I could do with my blog. Generally aimed at health and fitness bloggers, they also have a great community that is more than willing to help.
SweatPink: I became a Sweat Pink Ambassador shortly after starting with Fitfluential. Back then it was all about the community, but Fit Approach, the geniuses behind Sweat Pink have gradually added more sponsored opportunities. This is also aimed at the health and fitness blogger, and welcomes new and want-to-be bloggers with open arms.
IZEA: On IZEA you bid for a variety of types of sponsored posts, tweets. I have not worked with them yet, but others who have had good things to stay.
Activate: Sverve is another community of bloggers with sponsored opportunities. You can share your posts, endorse other bloggers, and apply for a variety of paid opportunities.
The Sway: This is part of the SITS Girls organization. They offer sponsored post opportunities as well as support and blogging education through the SITS Girls website.
Clever: Another company that offers sponsored post opportunities. I’ve done several for them. The dashboard is easy to understand, and they have a list of opportunities that you can apply for.
One to One Network:I have mostly worked on social media blasts with the One2One network, but they do have some sponsored post opportunities you can apply for.
WeaveMedia: This group is totally new to me. They’ve been around a couple years, but I haven’t wored with them.
Tomoson: At this point, all I’ve had from Tomoson is the chance to buy discounted products to review. Not my deal. But, a few bloggers have had success in the past, so I’ll stick around for a while to see how it goes.
Brandbacker: Another new-to-me company. I’ll keep this updated as I learn more.
Upbeat: Upbeat was formerly Crowdbooster, which I never joined, so I’m not exactly sure how it will work out. I’ll update as I learn more.
SheSavvy: I just recently joined the She Savvy Influencer Network and I’ve already had one campaign. They were easy to work with.
You can also make contact directly with brands that you love and want to work with. I won’t be covering that in this post, but it is certainly possible. Do remember one thing that was pointed out when I went to Bloggy Boot Camp: When you work with an agency who acts as your middleman, you can be assured that they have lawyers that read and understand the contracts that you will have to sign. Without that, you are on your own to make sure that your rights are protected, that your deliverables are in line with FTC regulations, and that you’re getting the best deal possible. Just food for thought.
Selling Products or Services
You already may have a product or service that you can sell on your blog. What are you an expert at? Can you help me get organized, clean my closet, get fit, eat right, run a marathon? Or maybe all of those things? If you have the skills, present it right, and market yourself, you can sell your services on your blog.
You can also create an online course to teach your readers how to improve their social media skills and numbers, improve their blogging skills, or a host of other things. Think about what you’re good at. Chances are good that someone will pay you to teach them.
Or, you can take those same skills mentioned above and create an ebook. Then you are generating an ongoing source of income. Here are some resources. Note: I have not yet created an ebook so I have not personally used any of the resources below. I hope that having them all in one place will help you (and me) get started on our first ebook!
How to Create an Ebook from Start to Finish:
How to Make and Publish an Ebook:
Gumroad: Sell your work directly to your audience.
The Starting a Blog Series
Part 1: Setting Goals
Part 2: Get More Readers
Part 3: Own Your Domain
This is Part 4: Make Money Blogging
Surprise, surprise! This post contains affiliate links!
For my beginning bloggers, this list will get you started. Your homework this week: Pick at least two or three of these options and go for it! Sign up with one of the agencies, research your ebook, join a publishing or affiliate network. Report back in the comments. You’ll be on your way to making money blogging!
For my more advanced readers, I know that I missed a lot of opportunities to make money blogging. Let me know in the comments and I’ll add them to the list. Thanks in advance!
Weekly Linkups
My weekly linkups! Please stop by and check out all of the great recipes, workouts, and information that all these awesome bloggers share every week!
Meatless Monday with Sarah and Deborah
Meatless Monday with Annmarie and Dixya
Tuesdays on the Run with Marcia, Erika, and Patty
Inspire Me Monday with Janice
Wild Workout Wednesday with Annmarie, Jen, and Nicole
The Plant-Based Potluck Party with Deborah
The Running Coaches’ Corner with Rachel, Suz, Lora Marie, and Me!
Friday 5 2.0 with Rachel and Lacey and Meranda
I guess it’s time for me to sign up for a few more influencer networks. some of these are new to me thanks!
There are a lot of them out there, that’s for sure!
I recently started working with Mambo Sprouts–the campaigns they offer are based on the health and fitness community too. I’m wrapping up my GOPO campaign and I’m waiting to be paid. We’ll see how it goes. Interestingly, I’ve never gotten anything from Activate or the SITS girls. Guess I’m not big enough!
I forgot about Mambo Sprouts! I’ve already have four campaigns with them (but just wrapping up or just starting, so I haven’t been paid yet either). I also haven’t had anything from Activate or Sits, but I don’t apply that often either.
This is SUPER helpful! Thank you so much!
That’s a great list, thank you for sharing.
It’s so useful. i got so many ideas here.