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So, just to put my cards on the table, I did not run the Santa Monica Classic on Sunday. Yes, I was there. Yes, I ran. Yes, I had a great time, met and saw some awesome people, enjoyed the cool weather. But, procrastinator that I am, I missed the deadline and the Santa Monica Classic sold out before I could sign up.
Why was I there then? Because, Alan, race announcer extraordinaire, was hired to work the finish line. So if by chance you were one of the 4,000 or so that registered in time, that was his voice you heard saying your name as you finished.
So what did I do? Well, I’ll tell you…
Alan and I drove to Santa Monica on Saturday afternoon. We got a bit of a late start because we went for a run in the morning. I kind of feel like that was a waste because I just wasn’t feeling it. It was hot, my legs were tired, I was lagging behind. I managed four miles (we’d planned to run five). My consolation is that sometimes it is those tough runs that make you mentally stronger. At least I hope so!
The drive wasn’t too bad. You never know what you’re going to get, driving into Los Angeles, but there was nothing worse than the usual slowdowns in traffic. In fact, I used my Maps app for directions and we arrived at the exact time it predicted. Now that’s unusual.
After checking in to our, um, unique hotel, we headed down to get our bearings. Alan needed to touch base with the Conqur Group, for whom he was working, and we just wanted an idea of where’d we be going early the next morning. Actually, they told him he wasn’t needed until 7:00, an unheard of late hour for Alan (because he was announcing just the finish, not the start). He said he’d be there at 6:00. You just can’t change an early bird!
One of our stops was at packet pickup for the race, which was at the local street fair. We were both starving by that time (about 3:00!). Fortunately, the food trucks all had vegan options, so we picked one and had a veggie burger. Thank goodness! We were both getting a little hangry!
In spite of a late lunch, we decided to have an early dinner. We had many choices in Santa Monica, but decided to head to our old favorite, the Veggie Grill. Even though I was at the Irvine restaurant last week, I was happy to go again. I had to have the Smoky Corn Bisque again (so good!). Alan ordered the Koreatown tacos and I had the Thai tacos, and we shared. Perfect!
Sunday: The Santa Monica Classic
The nice thing about race day for a race you’re not running is that there is no reason to feel nervous. I slept great and we got up early enough to drive to Starbucks for coffee before heading to the start line. I dropped Alan off, found parking, then hung around until it was light enough to run. Oh, and I helped him set up his speakers, mic and music. I am the techno one in the family.
Then I headed off for my run. I decided to go south, toward the start line, because I knew that a few other Rock ‘n’ Bloggers would be doing the Santa Monica Classic, and I wanted to say hi and good luck. That worked out perfectly, because after bumping into Linzie, I also got the chance to see Smitha and finally meet Carlee! We chatted for a while before the start of the 10k, then Carlee, who was looking to PR, headed to the start line and I left to finish my own run.
I continued south, all the way to the Venice Beach boardwalk and Muscle Beach. Then I turned around and headed back, stopping at the pier, where the post-race festivities were being held, to pick up a couple more of the new Clif Bars (nut butter filling!) and I had the chance to meet this man:
I think that Meb is so awesome. Not only is he a great runner, he does so much for the community and for the sport of running. I was honored to meet him, and also to explain to the women in the next booth what MEB stood for. Obviously, they were not runners!
After my run, I hung out with Alan at the finish for a bit (including the chance to see Carlee fly past nailing her PR). I was trying to estimate the time based on her goal and had just told Alan to look for her when I saw her sparkly skirt zoom by. He did manage to announce her (I hope she heard!).
The rest of the story is pretty boring. I drove back to the hotel to clean up and check out, went back to pick up Alan when he was done working, then we headed back to the desert, where, by the way, it was about 40 degrees warmer! Seriously, we left the Santa Monica Classic when it was about 66 degrees, arrived home a few hours later where it was 109. When will it all be over??!!!
How was your weekend? Any special events, races, or other fun adventures? Let me know in the comments!
My weekly linkups! Please stop by and check out all of the great recipes, workouts, and information that all these awesome bloggers share every week!
Meatless Monday with Sarah and Deborah
Meatless Monday with Annmarie and Rachel
Inspire Me Monday with Janice
Anything Goes with Marilyn
Wild Workout Wednesday with Annmarie, Michelle, Jen, and Nicole
The Plant Based Potluck Party with Deborah
The Running Coaches’ Corner with Rachel, Suz, Lora Marie, and Me!
Giveaway Roundup and Try Out Thursdays with Smitha
The Blogger’s Pit Stop with Kathleen, Janice, Julie and Me!
Living a Life of Fitness, Health and Happiness with Jill
Wendy@Taking the Long Way Home
What a fun weekend! Did you have FOMO since you weren’t running? Very cool that you got to meet Smitha, Carlee, and Meb!
I think it’s cool that all these old vintage motels are getting fixed up!
Debbie Woodruff
A little bit of FOMO, but if I had done the race I would have missed Meb and the Venice Boardwalk. So there is that.
The plants in front of the motel room are so cute! Love how colourful they are!
Debbie Woodruff
They really made the hotel look cute. We saw other older ones that were probably in the same price range (I.e. cheap) and none had the same character as ours.
Danielle @ Wild Coast Tales
That’s great you were still able to enjoy the race weekend even if not racing! Sounds like a lot of fun.
My weekend I got in my 2nd to last 20 mile run before my fall marathon! Taper is almost here!
Debbie Woodruff
Ah, 20 milers. One of the joys of not currently training for a marathon is NOT having to run them. Good job getting it done!
Anna @ Piper's Run
What a weekend! Can’t believe you got to meet Meb! I’d probably be so start struck I wouldn’t know what to say. I had a great weekend with my family, even went for a run as I just needed to (I’m injured).
Debbie Woodruff
I was a little star struck. I actually can’t remember what I said! I did shake his hand though.
MEB doesn’t stand for anything right? It’s just his name right? I love little motels like that!
Debbie Woodruff
His whole name is Mebrahtom Keflezighi, so he wisely shortened it for our thick North American tongues. 🙂
You know, a good race announcer can add so much to a race. How cool that Alan was in demand for this one! I met Meb at Cherry Blossom and so SO impressed by how NICE he was – even after three days of meet-and-greets!
Debbie Woodruff
My husband is one of those guys you can hand a mic to and he will just take over. He’s really good.
Deborah @ Confessions of a mother runner
how fun that you got to meet up in person with some of your favorite bloggers! Your husband works the race and can’t get you in? LOL
Debbie Woodruff
I know, right? Actually, sometimes he can. This was his first time working for the Conqur group so…
Looking at your pictures makes me think about life in California. I miss it SO much sometimes. Glad you had a fun weekend!
Debbie Woodruff
I love living in California. Which I guess is a good thing since I’ve been here all but the first 3 years of my life!
Kathryn @ Dancing to Running
Ahh I’m so jealous that you got to meet Meb. How exciting!!!
Debbie Woodruff
It was pretty cool. And good timing! I thought my husband was going to be interviewing him at 10 so I was going to wait. But then I saw him and got the pictures. Good thing, because my hubby never got the chance. Too much work at the finish line.
Aw! I love that you got to meet Meb! He seems so awesome and down to earth.
I’m sorry you didn’t get to race, but it sounds like you had a great time anyway!
Mary Beth Jackson
What a cool weekend and cute hotel! Look at all the fun people you met! My hubby does a lot of sports commentating- so nice that your hubby announced the run!
Kimberly Hatting
Meb!!!! (I talk about him like we’re long lost grade school friends…sorry). He is such a nice guy!
MCM Mama Runs
What fun! Sometimes it’s cool to not run a race and have the flexibility to do your own thing. Sounds like you had fun doing just that.
Wow what a fun weekend!
Shannon @GirlsGotSole
Sounds like a blast even though you didn’t get to race. Love that you met Meb! I hope to meet him one day soon!
And, seeing and meeting fellow runners/bloggers is the best. Have yet to meet the awesome Carlee in person yet though!
Matthew Bull
What a great day ahead! Your day is perfect,wanna have that kind of to-do list everyday!