I am a different person than I was when I started running over 30 years ago. Running has taught me many essential life lessons, giving me confidence and a sense of self that I didn’t possess before I became a runner.
Essential Life Lessons Learned from Running
As a high school cross country coach for 14 years, I saw many young people join the team as freshmen, just out of middle school, young, small, a little scared as they embarked on the journey that is high school. They didn’t know it, but joining the cross country team was one of the best, albeit one of the toughest, things they could do to help them succeed, not only in school but in life.
There are many life lessons that high school students will learn from running. Over the season, as they work hard, enjoy some successes, suffer some failures, push through their discomfort, they grow as human beings, mature into responsible young people who are well on their way to becoming successful adults.
These are life lessons that we as adults can learn (or be reminded about) too. We just have to pay closer attention and let it happen.
There is a lot more to #running that putting one foot in front of the other. Running teaches many life lessons that can make us happier and more successful.Click To Tweet
Don’t Stop When Things Get Tough
When we are young (or immature) we tend to give up when things around us get hard. Running teaches us that the reward comes when we keep going even though it is difficult.
Achieving Your Goals Takes Hard Work
If you want to finish the race, you have to put in all the preliminary mileage and training that is needed to get you in top condition. Likewise, if you want to graduate from college or run a successful business, you need to put in the work to accomplish your goal.
Comparison is the Thief of Joy
There is always going to be someone who is faster, in better shape, or stronger than you. If you base your opinion of yourself by comparing yourself to others you will be disappointed.
You’re Stronger Than You Think
With hard work, training, and dedication to your goals, you might surprise yourself with what you can accomplish.
Everything is Mental
Running teaches you that your mind is your best tool. It can get you through those times when you feel like your legs can’t carry you one more step.
You Do “Have the Time”
If you want something badly enough, you will find the time.
Working as a Team Will Lead to Success
While running is generally thought of as an individual sport, success in cross country and even marathon racing comes from working as a team.
If You Wait for “Perfect” You’ll Never Accomplish Anything
Whether it is perfect weather, racecourse, or time of the year, if you sit around waiting for it you won’t go anywhere.
You Define You
You get to choose the runner or person you want to be. Not your parents, your teachers, your friends, your spouse, not even your coach. You can choose to push yourself to a higher level, stay where you are, or somewhere in between depending upon your goals and the effort you expend.
Just Because You Lose Doesn’t Mean You’re a Loser
In running, most people don’t win. Yet they still strive to improve, work hard to achieve their goals, and challenge themselves to accomplish more. That sounds like the definition of a winner.
There are No Shortcuts, Hacks, or Tricks
To succeed in running or life, you have to put in the work. It is as simple as that.
You Can Do Hard Things
Life is hard. Running teaches you that you can do hard things. Whether it’s running a marathon, acing that job interview, or raising a family, you’ve got this.
What life lessons have you learned from running?
And Now It’s Time for the Runners’ Roundup!
Weekly Linkups
My weekly linkups! Please stop by and check out all of the great recipes, workouts, and information that all these awesome bloggers share every week!
Tuesday Topics with Kim and Zenaida
The Runners’ Roundup with Deborah, Lisa, Jenn, and Me!
The Weekly Run Down with Deborah and Kim
Fit Five Friday with Darlene, Michelle, Renee, Jenn, and Zenaida
Ultimate Coffee Date with Deborah and Coco
So many important lessons here! Running has taught me so much. I think it really helps us in other areas of life as well!
I really think it helps in everything!
These are all great points, but your first point is the one that resonates most with me. When things get tough, you learn that you have to push through pain and that giving up is not an option. Even when things look hopeless, as long as you are moving forward, it’s a win!
So true. And it’s not just running, it’s everything in life when it gets tough.
These are all spot on, and I remind myself a lot on the daily!
And as a cross country coach you see it in action with the athletes that you coach!
Running does teach us so much about ourselves! The life lessons are endless
That’s so true.
These are all the honest truth. The one about waiting for things to be perfect really resonates. Sometimes, you just have to go for it.