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Running Jargon: A Guide for New Runners
For a new runner, understanding what your running club members are talking about might feel like learning a new language. Fartlek, bonking, chafing may actually sound scary, and hitting the wall? That might make you question your running commitment. Or you might hear someone say, “I scored a PR in my last marathon thanks to my tempo training and great taper so I was able to BQ for the first time. I just hope I don’t bonk on Heartbreak Hill!” What?! Not to worry. Here is your key to all the running jargon.
There's a learning curve to running. From those first steps to #running a marathon, new runners learn a lot. Did you know there's a learning curve to Running Jargon too? Learn the secret to runners' secret language.Click To TweetRunning Jargon
A bandit is a thief and that is exactly what a bandit runner is, someone who didn’t pay for a race yet sneaks in, stealing race benefits like cleared roads and water/fuel stations that you paid for.
Ever get rubbed the wrong way? In the running jargon world chafing is what happens when fabric or skin literally rubs you the wrong way until the skin is broken and you develop a painful abrasion (that probably won’t really make itself known until you hop in the shower). It tends to happen more frequently in warmer weather and targets areas like arms, between thighs, under the breasts, and yes, even nipples. Products like Body Glide (<– affiliate link) can help prevent chafing.
Hitting the Wall
This term is usually used for marathons or other long-distance races. It happens when you literally run out of gas (fuel) in the later miles of a race. Dehydration and undertraining are other possible causes of hitting the wall. You may feel like you can’t take another step, your brain may feel like it’s not functioning, and the need to slow down or stop may feel overwhelming.
See “Hitting the Wall.”
The practice of eating a high-carbohydrate meal the night before a long race. One of the goals of carbo-loading is to avoid hitting the wall. There are many theories of race fueling these days and most proponents of carbo-loading suggest a diet that is fairly high in carbohydrates throughout training and leading up to your race.
Pronation happens when your foot rolls inward as you stride. This is actually a natural movement, the problem happens with over-pronation and can lead to knee and foot pain. There are some things you can do to help this including taping, exercise, and wearing the right shoe type. Check with your doctor, chiropractor, or shoe guy for tips.
Negative Splits
This term is usually used when the second half of your run is faster than the first. As in “I started off slow and picked it up for the last few miles and had a negative split in my 10k!” It can also be used to refer to intervals that are run at a faster pace as you go through your workout.
Frequently done on a track, intervals (or repeats) are shorter (200-800m) fast bursts that are done at a high-intensity level. They are great for improving form, leg turnover, speed, and VO2 Max. They are sandwiched between slower-paced recovery periods.
VO2 Max
VO2 Max stands for maximal oxygen uptake and is a measurement of the maximum amount of oxygen a person can use during intense exercise. It is a measure of a person’s aerobic endurance. While much of a high VO2 Max is genetic, it can be improved through interval training and other high-intensity exercises. It can be measured in a lab (I had it done a few years ago) for the most accurate measurement, but these days, some fitness trackers and watches can also measure it (though not as accurately).
Strides (or Striders)
Strides are short (50 to 150m) bursts of running done at close to maximum effort level. They’re great for improving your leg turnover and overall running form. These are usually done a couple of times a week at the end of an easy workout. They can also be done before a speed workout or race. You can perform six-eight at the end of your run, focusing on turnover and form, then recovering completely before the next stride. They can be done barefoot if you have a safe place to run.
A Tempo run is another form of speed training that is done with a little less intensity than interval training. Tempo runs are usually run on the road at a pace that you can sustain for about an hour or slightly more. A simple type of tempo run would be to warm up for 10-15 minutes at an easy pace, pick up the pace for 20-30 minutes, then finish your run at an easy pace.
A term most commonly used by your co-workers or your mom. When they see you walk in the door they will ask “how was your jog today?” They will ask it after you’ve spent an hour sweating your butt off doing a tempo run. Let me make it clear. Whether you’re fast or slow, when you run, you are a runner.
Runners generally like to be good citizens and Plogging is a way that runners can give back to their neighborhood. Combining the Swedish words plocka upp (pick up) and jogga (jog) gives us the verb plogga and the English equivalent plogging. It means picking up litter while jogging (yes, ignore what I said in the previous paragraph). Runners frequently get together to plog on Earth Day.
Running Acronyms
Personal Record. This is a runner’s all-time best time in a certain race distance.
Personal Best. Some runners use this term interchangeably with PR.
Course record. Since some races change their route over time, a course record is the best time on a certain course.
World Record. This is the best time in the world at a given distance.
Did not finish. This is your sad designation if for whatever reason you did not finish the race. I personally have two DNFs, both in the San Diego Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon (years ago).
Did not start. Whether it’s an injury, the weather or your car broke down on the way to the race, this is a race you signed up for and did not toe the line at the start.
Dead f**king last. Sometimes nicely called dead freaking last, this is the person who is the last to cross the finish line. They deserve a lot of kudos because they hung in there and resisted any urge to DNF.
Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness. You may feel this the day or two after a tough workout, whether running or strength training.
Boston Qualified (or Qualifier). This is a high standard for runners who want to run the Boston Marathon which has a qualifying time that runners must meet. A Boston Qualifier is a race that is certified to do this. Some races will advertise themselves based on the number of participants who qualify each year.
Long Slow Distance. This term takes on a whole new meeting when you’re a runner. The idea when you are building your endurance is to run long runs at a slow pace.
Marathon Pace or Half Marathon Pace. Either the planned pace at which you want to run your race or a training run with those paces as a goal.
Iliotibial Band (or IT Band). The ITB is a strip of thick fascial tissue that runs from the hip to below the knee. Keeping it healthy through stretching and foam rolling, and avoiding overuse is key because it can cause inflammation anywhere along that fascial line. Is your head reeling yet? I hope not and I hope that you feel you have a grasp on the mysterious language that is runner talk. If you have another term you’ve heard go ahead and ask in the comments. And to experienced runners, did I forget anything?
And Now It’s Time for the Runners Roundup!
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Lisa @ Mile by Mile
Great list! I bet this is so helpful for new runner who are not familiar with all the jargon. Runners really do have our own language!
Debbie Woodruff
We really do. Though I missed “rungry” that you used in your post today. 😂
This is a fun compilation! It’s funny how we use these words in everyday language without thinking how weird it must sound to non-runners.
Talking about the wall, I’ve never actually experienced it. Yes, I gradually get tired – very tired – but it never hit me like a wall.
Debbie Woodruff
I definitely hit the wall (and it was my PR race!). I didn’t fuel correctly and I hit it hard at mile 20. Could barely keep running to the finish.
Deborah Brooks
You have it all covered! Nice list for runners and their friends
Debbie Woodruff
Thanks! I hope it’s helpful
What a fantastic directory of terms! These are all so helpful to new runners and non-runners!