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Do you stretch after your run? Most experts recommend doing some static stretches after a run. The problem with static stretches is that they are, well, static. When you hold a stretch for any length of time you are stretching one section of a muscle. Today I’m going to show you how to upgrade your post-run stretch routine and learn how to target more areas of the muscle plus fascia and the joint capsule, helping to increase both flexibility and mobility.
The main difference in this post-run stretch routine is that we’re adding slow movement to standard stretches. This small change allows you to get more benefits from stretching than a simple static stretch. For example, we can upgrade the standard hamstring stretch by moving the leg in circles, moving the ankle, and taking the leg out to both sides. When we do this, we not only stretch the posterior hamstrings, we add the abductors, adductors, and both the medial and lateral hamstrings. More bang for your stretching buck!
What if a little tweak to your post-run stretch routine could help improve your mobility and flexibility, and potentially improve your running and reduce injury? Check out this 'stretch upgrade!' #runningClick To TweetUpgrade Your Post-Run Stretch Routine
It’s important to remember that you should feel no pain while you complete these stretches. Yes, you want to feel the stretch, but pain can cause the opposite of your stretching goals, causing a reflex that will cause a withdrawal effect. So the key is to move slowly, synchronize your breathing with your stretch, and avoid pain.
Calf Stretch
The old way:
Stand against a wall, step back with a straight leg to stretch your gastrocnemius. From that position bend your knee to stretch your soleus.
Upgrade it:
Start from the same position as above. Instead of standing still, make sure your heel is pressed down and the knee is straight, then rotate at your torso and reach back as far as you can without lifting the heel or bending the knee. Return to center then reach back with the other arm. For the lower calf (soleus) stretch do the same thing with your back knee bent. Repeat on the other side.
Hip Flexor Stretch
The old way:
Get into a kneeling lunge position and press your hips forward.
Upgrade it:
Start from the same position as above. With your right knee in front, press your left hip forward and reach your left arm over your head. Bend to the right. Straight up then reach back with your right arm toward your back foot, rotating at the torso.
IT Band Stretch
The old way:
Stand straight and cross your right leg behind the left. Reach up with your right hand and bend to the left. Repeat on the other side.
Upgrade it:
Again, start in the previous position. Raise both arms over your head. Instead of just bending and holding this stretch, try different angles. Reach slightly forward, move through the stretch. Add some rotation. This will also stretch the QL (quadratus Lumborum)
Hamstring Stretch
The old way:
Lie on your back. Lift your (mostly) straight leg.
Upgrade it:
Start as above. Instead of just holding your leg straight up, strive for different angles. Flex and point your foot and circle your ankle. Make circles of varying sizes with your whole leg. Rotate your thigh bone within your hip joint. Take the leg out to the side and repeat all the different movements. Take the leg across your body and again repeat the movements.
Glute Stretch
The old way:
Lie on your back with your knees bent. Cross one ankle over the other knee. Lift both legs.
Upgrade it:
Start as above. With your right ankle crossed over your left knee, press the knee out slightly (no need to press with your hand) several times. Drop your legs to the left, using your left hand to gently pull the knee toward the ground. Reach your right arm over your head.
Hip Stretch
The old way:
Pigeon pose.
Upgrade it:
Sit with your right knee in front with both feet pointing back. First, inhale and lengthen your spine, then fold forward slightly. Do this again. Then, allow yourself to fold forward as far as is comfortable. Support yourself on your hands and forearms. Take an inhale then exhale as you slide your upper body to the left. Stay low reach your right arm over your head. On your inhale return to center. Exhale and slide to the right, reaching your left arm over your head. Inhale to center.
Bonus Stretches
This upgrade will add your hip flexors, quads, QL, and Lats to the above stretch.
1 From your hip stretch position, sit up and take both hands to the outside of your right thigh. Lean forward slightly, inhaling, then exhale as you look back over your right shoulder, rotating your torso and neck. Inhale and lean forward. Exhale and look back again, moving your hands back a little to deepen the stretch.
2 Lower down to your right elbow. Scoot your left leg and your upper body back slightly and press your left hip forward. You should feel a stretch in your left quad all the way up to the hip flexors. Inhale, then exhale and roll forward, placing your left hand on the ground in front of you and trying to turn your chest toward the ground. Inhale as you move back to the center, then exhale and reach back. Repeat several times.
3 Finally, straighten out a little from that hip flexor position. Reach your left arm down, then around until you’re reaching over your head (think of a big swim stroke). Start to turn your torso until your chest is facing the ground again and your arm is reaching over your head. Then pull the arm through and repeat several times.
Are you consistent with your post-run stretching routine? Have you ever tried stretches like these?
I am a personal trainer, stretch therapist, LifeStretch Instructor, and Running Coach. However, I do not know you personally and haven’t evaluated your fitness or flexibility. It is always wise to check with your doctor before starting a fitness program.
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I’ll try some of these, especially the upgraded pigeon stretch. I do the basic version every day, but I really like your upgraded one.
The upgraded stretches really target a lot more areas. And they feel good!
Great ideas here! It can be so helpful to move a bit while stretching to get different areas of the muscle.
Yes! It really makes a difference.
Thanks for sharing these! I am going to start incorporating some of these changes into my stretches!
Great! Let me know what you think.
Stretching more has become a passion of mine the last few years. These are all part of my routine. It’s fun to learn different ways to tweak your favorite stretch to get more out of it
I feel such a difference when I focus on stretching. And when I don’t!
These are perfect! I think I have to establish a good routine before I upgrade it!
Love the explanations and the info! You always present everything so clearly.
Lol, that would be a good idea/