2016 will be my year of learning to breathe and breathing to heal.
In many ways, writing this post, which is about my personal and health goals for 2016, is very difficult. Figuring out what I need to do and how I’m going to do it has been forcing me to take a look at some things that I’ve been keeping from you. Heck, I’ve been keeping them from myself.
The thing is that, in spite of following an athletic lifestyle for the last 25 years, eating a plant-based diet for the last eight years, and generally taking pretty good care of myself since that day 27 years ago when I finally dumped the cigarettes, I’m not healthy. Or at least, I’m not as healthy as I should be.
It’s not that I’m sick. I’m just not well.
It’s not that I’ve lied, or even covered up. I just don’t like to whine, I like to look at the positive side of things, and, to tell the truth, didn’t believe there was a problem. But, after several years of being in pain, I guess there is.
Yes, I am in pain most of the time. I wake up with back pain that eases with time, but never goes away. My knees, even though they’ve healed from my falls, hurt. My hands have started to hurt now too. Yes, it’s probably arthritis for the most part, but I really should not be in constant pain.
Learning to Breathe
I have other issues too. My blood pressure is too high. My skin has too many flare-ups. I have too many headaches. I’m too tired.
Sometimes I feel like I can’t breathe.
Not literally. Ironically, in spite of the smoking, my lungs are just fine. No, I just feel like I’m too tight to breathe, at least deeply.
For too long I’ve been targeting the symptoms without dealing with the underlying problems.
2016 Health and Fitness Goals
Which is why my number one goal for 2016 is learning to breathe. Because I really believe that breathing to heal is what I need to do to regain my health, relieve if not cure some of my pain, and finally, just feel good again.
Here’s how I’m going to do it.
Most of the stress that I deal with is brought on by my own efforts to be all things to all people, to do all the things, and to never say no to any person or project.
Enough of that. I’m telling you right now, in writing so it will stick, that I will learn to say no. I will put myself first more often. I will take the time to breathe before I take on another project.
This may be the most important thing that I can do to improve my help. I do not get enough sleep. I’m certainly not proud of it, and I haven’t quite figured out how I’m going to do it, but I will dedicate myself to getting eight hours of sleep each night.
I’m actually not sure how much sleep I do need, it’s been so long since I’ve had more than six hours or so. If that. My first project will be to finish up last minute tasks (usually blogging, I admit it) early enough that I can get to bed on time.
I have an on- and off-again relationship with yoga. Currently, it’s been off for nine a few months, at least, until Saturday when I did a half hour, Yoga for Back Pain audio from Yogadownload.com.
This time, though, I will be approach yoga as my opportunity for learning to breathe and heal. I have always loved to do the most challenging, longest classes, and my goal has always been to practice almost daily. Little wonder that I fail at keeping yoga in my life (even though I’m the one that wrote how to do just that!).
My new, health first approach will be quite different. I will take it easy, use yoga to calm and to strengthen my body without over-taxing it. I will try to practice a few days a week, but I won’t stress if I miss a class. I will continue my at-home practice because I can choose the pace, time, and type of class that I do.
And I will learn to meditate. I have a couple of audios that will help me get started.
I know that I will probably have to make some changes in my diet. I’m not sure exactly what yet, but food is so important to our health that I’m sure that my nutrition is playing a large part in how I feel. I will not give up my plant-based diet. That is simply not an option.
At work, we are offering a 21 day cleanse for our members. I have spoken to the people who are in charge of the program, and feel it would be quite helpful. However, it is also quite expensive (even the employee rate), so, taking their lead I will plan my own cleanse.
I’ll be doing some research, but my intention will be to take a lot of the inflammatory food out of my diet, including gluten, sugar, and alcohol, while eating a simple diet of whole, energizing food. I may even try the vegan Whole 30 (my son and daughter-in-law (<–that’s her blog, check it out!) are doing the regular Whole 30 this month, which is why this comes to mind).
In any case, I look forward to seeing how my body responds to a cleanse. I’m hopeful that I will notice a difference in my health.
In case you were wondering, I will continue to run. It’s part of my definition of myself. One thing that being injured does, though, is help you realize that overall health is more important that simply pounding the pavement.
For that reason, I will use the first quarter of the year simply building a strong running base. I have no need, yet, to pile on miles, so I’ll keep my runs shorter, but still work to increase my fitness. I feel like I’m starting at the beginning again, just a few days into my return to running. I’ll build on that, but wisely, I hope, so I can get strong and stay healthy.
Then, in the second quarter of the year, I’ll pick a race or two and start training. I’ve been denied my last two marathons, so depending on how I feel I may choose a fall or winter race and finally get that 37th marathon done.
Body Work
I truly believe that body work can help relieve pain and reduce stress, so my goal is to use a combination of fascial stretch therapy and massage on a regular basis.
And the other, non-health related goal…
The combination of living more than 20 years in my home, many dogs and cats, and a busy life has resulted in a house that is cluttered and messy. Alan and I will be working together on our goal to Unfuck Our Habitat. Stay tuned. I have a feeling I’ll be writing about it.
Have you ever done a cleanse? Do you have any suggestions? Any blogs that would have helpful tips? I know that Lindsay at Cotter Crunch follows a gluten-free, anti-inflammatory diet, but I could also use some specifically vegan help.
Stay tuned Wednesday for my blogging goals for 2016.
My weekly linkups! Please stop by and check out all of the great recipes, workouts, and information that all these awesome bloggers share every week!
Sunday Blog Hop with Jenn
Meatless Monday with Tina and Deborah
Meatless Monday with Annmarie
Inspire Me Monday with Janice
Anything Goes with Marilyn
Bonnie, the Pin Junkie
Tip Tuesday with Debbie in Shape
Wild Workout Wednesday with Annmarie, Michelle, Sarah, and Angelena Marie
Wednesday Wisdom with Nanna’s Wisdom
The Blogger’s Pit Stop with Kathleen
Let’s Get Real with Karen.
Friday Fitness with Jill
I’m wishing you all the best in this journey this year. It’s definitely not easy and I can identify with not being as healthy as I would like to think I am and really wanting and starting to take that back under control. Sleep and managing stress is definitely a big part of it as is nutrition. I’m in my last week of the Whole30 (will be sharing about it more this week) and I’m really glad that I did it. Mainly to uncover some of my habitual eating patterns and being more mindful of my eating. And yoga. I truly believe that the best gift of yoga is learning how to breathe.
Thanks Christine. I thought of you a lot as I wrote this post. You were the one that taught me that yoga should complement the other things I do, and I understand that more than ever right now. I know it will help me to breathe and to heal. I look forward to reading about your Whole30 experience.
I feel the same way at times. I feel healthy but not healthy at the same time. I’ve been thinking of Whole 30 a lot lately too. I feel like I just need something to bring everything back to the basic basics to really build a solid base – just like in running. And yoga – yes!!!! When I lost my practice, I really wasn’t breathing. But now that I have been consistently going 3-4 x/week, I’m actually breathing again. Good luck Debbie!
Thanks Angela. Whole30 is difficult when you’re vegan (and according to their website, it isn’t a “real” Whole30 if you don’t eat meat. I don’t know if you saw Christine’s comment above, but she’s just finishing her Whole30 and will be writing about it soon.
consider this your loving heads up I now wanna drag you along with Christine and me to a yoga retreat this year.
Im feeling UNTETHERED which is (apparently something I cannot spell :-)) and also something I want to fix this year through grounding via yoga.
sending love…
I’m in! I would love to go to a retreat, especially with you and Christine. My girlfriend puts one on every year in Costa Rica, but it’s a little pricey.
Good for you. You need to be as healthy and happy as possible! I don’t do cleanses or detox, but I do agree that sometimes, you have to take things back to basics for a bit and declutter your mind and body. I am going to need that so badly once I am healed (which may be forever from now, but someday will happen).
I just feel that my eating has a lot to do with how I’m feeling right now, even though I eat pretty healthy. So it must be something that is aggravating my body without my realizing.
Sorry to hear that you are suffering! I hate to think that we can’t just go on but life does take a toll on us, doesn’t it? I think you’ll find the yoga to be really helpful–it has really helped me. The one thing I didn’t see in your regimen is strength training–that has helped me more than anything.
I’ll be following along your journey and taking notes. We’re in this thing together!
Thanks Wendy. I actually do strength train, but unlike everything else it’s already a part of my regimen.
Sorry you haven’t been feeling your best, that is frustrating 🙁 Sounds like you have a great plan in place and crossing my fingers for you that you will begin to feel better soon! Also, love the Unfuck Your Habitat goal- I totally need to do that too!
Thanks Annmarie. I’m actually excited to see how I can do this.
These are great goals Deb! I didn’t realize that you had back issues ongoing. Yoga can be great and one of my goals is to get it back into my life. I always feel better when I do yoga I just need to find the time! Love your honesty today and look forward to watching you crush your goals
Thanks Deborah. Yeah, the back has been a problem for years. Like I said, I’ve also been ignoring it for years, thinking that if I just slept in the right way or something it would get better. Guess that’s not going to happen, so it’s time to take a direct approach.
I hate you have been having some problems and good for you for zoning in on them and making a plan to overcome them! I do believe you will do that. Running is hard enough without being in constant pain. I hope you firgure out what works for you!! Here’s to a great 2016!
Thank you. Actually I feel better after a run, even my back. Like everything is good and warmed up.
LOve this Debbie & thx for sharing!!! With age, I have some things I feel but not in the same sense as you – I know they are age related & trying to modify workouts to keep me healthy & not injured.
I LOVE that unfuck yourself article! I am trying to do the unclutter over here too BUT my life as well. The house first though! I am not a cleaner & I am a pack rat so… 🙂
I’m not much of a cleaner either (hence the problem). We have so little storage, plus some repairs that are needed. We really need to do this, so I’m determined this year to get it done.
Good luck on your journey. Its great you’ve stopped and acknowledged the underlying problems and are working on it. So often we ignore what is happening and try for quick fixes. I’m a yoga instructor and can’t stress its mental and physical benefits. When we move with the breath life gets easier. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Thanks. I do understand the value of yoga.. I just need to commit the time and keep up with it.
Good luck in achieving your 2016 goals, Debbie and that the pain and stress is lessened and you can heal!
Thank you. I’m really tired of not feeling good, so I hope I can find the solution.
Since I also suffer from headaches and a stressed out stomach, I need to set limits on my stress and reading your post about reminding yourself not to be everything range true to me. A lot of women I run into try to be the best at everything, the best co-worker, the best boss, the best mother, the best daughter, etc. and we end up doing no favors to anyone, especially ourselves. I’m constantly reminding myself this year that it’s better to be in a better state of mind with myself than overstretch myself.
You’re so right. One of the most important things a woman can do is learn to say no.
HI Debbie,
1. As always, I love your graphic.
2. I don’t get enough sleep either due to blogging tasks.
3. Thanks for bringing your post to Blogger’s Pit Stop!
Janice, Pit Stop Crew
I am wishing you all the best for your healing journey. When I was on my weight loss journey some years back, I was told that learning how to breathe properly will help in overall wellness as well as help me shed excess weight and that is why I enrolled in a yoga class. In the class, we were told that proper breathing is effective for curing the body of aches and pains.
Best of luck to you. I hope you can overcome your daily pain.
I do like yoga… I just haven’t done it in awhile… err years… Do you go to a class? Do it on your own? Or use a DVD type deal? The introvert in me wants to go with a DVD or Netflix version, but the unhealthy girl wanting to be healthy is considering paying for a class.
Everyone suggest me for YOGA but I can;t find any good or A to Z resource to tutorials 🙁 can anyone help me out!
Wow very nice post. I also love yoga. Thanks for sharing