So here we are. The final countdown to your marathon. All the training is done. The plan was followed. You trained hard. Hit your targets. You rested when you were supposed to, ate healthfully to support your training, and followed your taper plan. All that is left is the race itself. Don’t blow it now! Here are tips for hitting your marathon goals.
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17 Tips for Hitting Your Marathon Goals
It's go time! You've done the training. The taper. All that is left is the race! Here are 17 tips for hitting your marathon goals. #marathon #running @phoenixmarathonClick To TweetWhether it’s your first marathon or your 40th, it is important to follow some guidelines that will assist you in hitting your marathon goals. These tips will help you stay on track and finish your race with pride.
The Day Before
Believe it or not, what you do the day before your race is almost as important as what you do on race day.
Take it easy but move a little
Avoid sitting too much throughout the day, including the drive or flight to your race if you’re staying overnight. Ideally, try to arrive two days before the race, but if that’s not possible make sure to stop several times during a long drive, or move around during your flight. Don’t overdo the movement though. A short walk, some stretching and rolling, browsing the expo is enough. Many runners like to do a shakeout run. That’s up to you, but keep it short and very easy.
As you have throughout your training and your taper, continue to stay hydrated. In addition to water, try using a hydration supplement, like nuun, which will add electrolytes to your water.
Eat Normally
There really is no need to eat a big bowl of pasta before your race (unless you want to). Try to eat food similar to what you’ve been eating before your long runs. If you’re on the road, keep it simple. It’s not the time to try that dish that sounds so delicious on the menu.
Avoid Alcohol
Drinking alcohol the night before your marathon can contribute to dehydration, cause sleeping problems, as well as potentially lead you to wake up not feeling your fabulous self.
Prepare Your Race Day Needs
Avoid stress on race morning by planning your race day outfit (and posting your #flatrunner) as well as your fuel, hydration, and pre-race gear, the night before. Here’s a list of 29 things you should do the night before your big race (it includes a printable checklist!).
Go to Bed at Your Normal Time
Even though it’s likely that you will be waking up earlier than normal on race day, plan to hit the sack at your normal time. It’s likely that you’ll be a little nervous, and trying to go to bed too early will potentially leave you wakeful as you contemplate the day ahead. Your body is used to going to bed at a certain time and following your body’s clock will help you get to sleep as well as sleep better.
Race Day (Before the Race)
Because you spent the time last night preparing, race morning will go much more smoothly.
Give Yourself Time
Waking up early enough to accomplish what needs to be done will relieve a lot of stress in the morning. Leave time for breakfast, coffee (if you’re a coffee drinker), bowel movements (yes, I’ll say it), as well as dressing and gathering your gear. You know your body, so plan to give it the time that it needs.
Eat Breakfast
If you’ve been eating a little something before your long runs, stick with that program for your race. Running 26.2 miles burns a lot of fuel, so filling your tank before the race will assist you in hitting your marathon goals.
Continue to Hydrate
Continue to sip on water and electrolytes throughout the morning.
Leave Early
So many things can cause delays, parking and traffic coming in at number one. It’s so frustrating to sit in traffic trying to park so get there early.
The Race
These are probably things that you’ve heard before. That’s because they are golden.
Don’t Go Out Too Fast
Okay, so you’ve heard this before. Guess what? It still holds true today that many of us start too fast, then get a crazy idea that, in spite of training for whatever time marathon, we will now be able to run a minute per mile faster. No. It doesn’t work that way. Slow down!
Nothing New!
Basically, if you haven’t used it in training, don’t use it on race day. That includes clothing, shoes, fuel, and hydration. Even the same brand of clothing, shoes, fuel, and hydration. If you haven’t used it before, don’t try it out for the first time during the race.
Follow Your Race Day Plan
You have a race plan, right? Your race plan will include how to hydrate, fuel, pace yourself, and more. Stick with it and you will be successful at hitting your marathon goals.
Remember: There Will Be Tough Times
No matter how well you’ve trained, there will be tough times. Times that you will feel like you can’t run another step. When this happens, you must dig deep, remember your training, realize that if you keep moving it will get better. You will reach your goal.
Have Fun
Unless you’re a professional, you’re doing this for fun, right? So enjoy the experience. Appreciate the scenery. Talk to other runners. Offer support to athletes who are having a tough time. Soak in every moment.
Other Race Day Tips
Here are a couple of other resources to help you in hitting your marathon goals.
Race Day Tips for a Successful Marathon
5 Race Day Rules to Help You Reach Your Goal
Post Race Recovery
While this post is about hitting your marathon goals, I wanted to include post-race recovery because it starts as soon as you cross the finish line. Refueling and rehydrating are key. Here are some more recovery tips.
Following these race day tips will help you hit your race day goals! Do you have anything to add that has helped you reach your marathon goals?
And Now It’s Time for the Runners’ Roundup!
Weekly Linkups
My weekly linkups! Please stop by and check out all of the great recipes, workouts, and information that all these awesome bloggers share every week!
Tuesday Topics with Kim and Zenaida
The Runners’ Roundup with Deborah, Lisa, Jenn, and Me!
The Weekly Run Down with Deborah and Kim
Fit Five Friday with Darlene, Michelle, Renee, Jenn, and Zenaida
Ultimate Coffee Date with Deborah and Coco
All great tips here! I think one of the hardest parts about preparing to run a marathon is that often times you are traveling and not at home, so everything is different. Trying to keep things as similar as possible can help alot!
Yes, especially the food! Also if you’re traveling it’s easy to do too much the day before the race.
Great tips for those running a marathon or any distance race. Trying to stick to your regular schedule is key!
Definitely useful for any longer distance race. Yes, keeping your regular schedule is important.
These are all correct!
Of course, my biggest one is to stay out of my own head! I’m my own worst enemy!
It’s so easy to mentally make it harder for yourself.