Running is a simple sport. We lace up our shoes and head out the door, right? Well, maybe it’s not all that simple. In addition to the shoes, we need the right clothing. And we need to prepare our bodies to run. And help them recover afterward. And eat right. And stay hydrated. And…well, you get the idea. So, in the interest of keeping you strong, healthy, and well dressed, here are the 20 Golden Rules of Running.
The 20 Golden Rules of Running
In a nutshell, the Golden Rules of Running are the things you should be doing consistently that will help you run better, avoid injury, and even have more fun.
They may say that #running is a simple sport but if you follow these Golden Rules of Running you will have more fun, look good, run better, and avoid injury! #runningtipsClick To TweetWarm-up
I find most runners don’t warm up before their runs until after they’ve had an injury, been through physical therapy, and finally learned the importance of warming up. Get ahead of the game by adding five minutes of warm-up to your pre-run routine.
5 Minute Dynamic Warmup: 3 Steps to Mobilize and Activate Your Hips
Stretch and Roll
I’ve been guilty of skipping my stretching and rolling time too (we want to spend our time running, right?) but like the warm-up, your body will thank you for taking care of it after your run.
Post-Workout Recovery Routine for Runners
Upgrade Your Post-Run Stretch Routine for Better Results
Don’t Ignore Pain
Pain is a signal that something isn’t right. While taking a day off is not always the solution, it is important to address the issue and not just run through it until it becomes a full-fledged injury.
10 Ways to Cause a Running Injury
Get Strong
A strength program designed for runners doesn’t take a lot of time off your running schedule and it is so important. It will help you run better and avoid injury, both very good reasons to invest the time.
Quick and Challenging Total Body Runner’s Workout
Help a Newbie
Helping a new runner, either by recommending clothing, a particular race, a great coach, or by just passing on some sage running advice, will only help grow our sport (and possibly give you a new running partner).
Help Your Friends and Coworker Start a Running Program
Have a Plan
Whether you’re training for a race or not (but especially if you are), you should follow a training plan so that you’re not just going out a running at the same pace and the same route for the same distance day after day.
Eat like an Athlete
And by eating like an athlete I don’t mean eat all the burgers and fries. Take care of your body and your body will take care of you. That includes the food that you ingest. Which doesn’t mean you can’t have a burger or pizza once in a while.
Run Strong on a Plant-Based Diet
Sleep Well
Getting enough sleep is one of the most important things that you can do for your running (and your health). And yet, most of us don’t. Work on it.
Go Off-Road
Trail running is fun and challenging. There is less pounding involved and yes, you may take a tumble once in a while. As someone who trips on sidewalk cracks, I’ll say landing in the dirt is a lot less painful.
So You Want to be a Trail Runner? 11 Trail Running Tips
Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate
Dehydration can cause poor performance, headaches, and other issues, so keep drinking. Add electrolytes to help keep the balance in your fluids. Nuun is my favorite (I’m an ambassador) because it contains no sugar and has a crisp, light flavor.
Outfit Yourself
In spite of being told when you started that “running is a simple sport,” and probably passing that little bit of knowledge along to all the new runners you meet, good shoes are important and comfortable, sweat-wicking clothing comes in a close second.
Coach Debbie Recommends: My Favorite Running Gear, Clothing, Fuel, and More
Join a Club
Joining a running club is one of the best things you can do. Not only will you meet other runners (your new friends), chances are your club will have planned workouts throughout the week. Check out the Road Runners Club of America or She Runs This Town (formally known as Moms Run thie Town).
Most of Your Runs Should Be Easy
Save your hard effort for your planned hard runs. Tempo runs, hill workouts, long runs, track workouts are designed to be hard. The rest should be done at an easy pace.
Why You Should Follow Your Plan and Run Your Easy Runs Easy
Track your Shoe Mileage
Replace your shoes every 300-400 miles. They will last longer if you alternate between two or three pairs.
Take an Easy Day Between the Hard Workouts
Allow your body to recover from your hard workout by taking an easy or rest day in between. Reminder, your hard workouts are your long run, speed work, and hill training. Limit the hard workouts to two or three times a week.
Give Back
Have you donated your time to your sport lately? All running events need volunteers or they couldn’t happen. If you’re not racing yourself, think about volunteering your time at a local race. You’ll be helping out plus watching other runners suffer is so much fun! Just kidding, Cheering on other runners it the best feeling ever!
Stay Safe Out There
There are several things that all runners should do to make sure that they stay safe on the run. Let someone know where you’re going and when you expect to be done. Run against traffic. Be aware of your surroundings. If you run in the dark, carry light and wear reflective clothing. Carry pepper spray or another self-defense tool. Run with a friend. Wear a Road iD just in case.
You Do You
Whether you love to race or just like to do your own thing, whether you’re fast or slow, whether you run short or far, it doesn’t matter. You do you, anyway you like it and you’re a runner.
Most of All, Have Fun
Yes, running can be hard, but in the end, it should be fun too.
But Wait Here’s More!
10 Habits of Highly Successful Runners
Do you have any suggestions to add to the Golden Rules for Runners? Share your tips or links in the comments!
And Now It’s Time for the Runners’ Roundup!
Weekly Linkups
My weekly linkups! Please stop by and check out all of the great recipes, workouts, and information that all these awesome bloggers share every week!
Tuesday Topics with Kim and Zenaida
The Runners’ Roundup with Deborah, Lisa, Jenn, and Me!
The Weekly Run Down with Deborah and Kim
Fit Five Friday with Darlene, Michelle, Renee, Jenn, and Zenaida
Ultimate Coffee Date with Deborah and Coco
Yes to all of these! It’s important to remember the basics and to do the things that will make us feel the best and have the most success with our running.
Exactly. It looks like a long list but it’s really not because a lot of it is common sense and things that just make us feel and run better.
These are great rules to go by! Also, I find working towards a race and then participating in a race a good way to stay motivated. It doesn’t work for everybody, but if you have a competitive side, it’s a good idea!
Yes to that! I don’t race as much these days but I do have that competitive side and I love it!
Great tips! I am the runner who didn’t start warming up and working on mobility until after an injury. Now it is something I do not neglect!!! I also like the idea of following a training plan even when you are not training for a race. Thanks for sharing these!
Funny how an injury will remind you how important it is to warm up. 🙂
Sleep, nutrition, and recovery have become the most important for me! Yes to all of these
Sleep is so important. It almost outweighs all the other advice.
All of this!
I am admittedly terrible at hydrating, sleeping, and stretching, but I follow the rest of it as best I can.
The one thing is that I have struggled to find a club. The ones around here are far, or just meet at times that don’t work for me. It’s frustrating, especially because I would love to have that connection. 🙁
Okay, so you picked the three most important things to be bad at 🙂
I used to run with my club twice a week and I do miss it. I had the same issues, meeting times weren’t ideal. I’m really okay with it especially as I’ve gotten so much slower as I’ve gotten older and I’d hate to hold people up.