I am now offering on-call Fascia Stretch Therapy in your home or office. Email me to set up an appointment.
What is Fascia Stretch Therapy?
Fascia Stretch Therapy (or FST), is a type of stretching that targets not only the muscles, but the fascia, the connective tissue surrounding muscles, bones, and joints. FST also targets the entire joint and joint capsule, using traction to remove restrictions from movement and stimulate lubrication. A therapist will gently pull and move the arms, legs, spine, and neck smoothly through varying planes of movement. There is no pain, not even discomfort. Instead, the gentle movement is stimulating and relaxing at the same time.
The problem with many standard stretching programs is, well, they are standard. An athlete will finish her workout, run through her “usual” stretches, maybe paying extra attention to tight hips, sometimes pushing through some pain to get that final stretch. Sadly, this type of stretching is not effective and may even be causing more tightness and inflexibility. When you cause pain with stretching, your muscles respond to protect themselves, tightening up in a rebound-type effect.
By contrast, a Fascia Stretch Therapist will evaluate their client, looking for imbalances, as well as the source of those imbalances. Then using breath to help with movement, the therapist will first warm up the joints and muscles with undulating stretching to maximize blood flow. Then using techniques of slow undulating movement (known as the StretchWave™), as well as traction (gently pulling to create space in the joint) and modified PNF ( proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation), synchronized with the breath, the therapist will stretch the entire body, following a logical anatomical order, to lengthen muscle, increase range of motion, and improve flexibility.
Read more about the benefits of Fascia Stretch Therapy…
How Fascia Stretch Therapy Can Make You a Better Runner, Cyclist, or Triathlete
Fascia Stretch Therapy increases functional flexibility. While static stretching can cause some gains in linear flexibility, FST uses multiple angles along the muscles-fascia lines, which translates to better overall, more functional, flexibility.
FST enhances recovery. FST can reduce muscle-fascia adhesions, relieve muscle soreness, and flush the lymphatic system. It also increases blood flow which helps speed up recovery time. Athletes in fascial stretch programs have been found to recover more quickly between training sessions and improve active range of motion compared to other stretching methods.
Fascia Stretch Therapy can help restore balance and symmetry. The FST therapist evaluates your condition and then creates a program that will restore balance and symmetry to your body. FST has been known to correct leg-length discrepancies through decompression of the joint capsule in the hip.
FST can increase your speed and quickness. Healthy fascia is fast and reactive and supports the need to move quickly. Improving range of motion and elasticity can maintain stride length and you will be better able to absorb impact.
Fascia Stretch Therapy can reduce the risk of injury. Lack of mobility can lead to compensations and increased risk of strains. Because FST focuses on the connective tissue, it can reduce these risks.
FST is designed for your specific needs. Unlike regular static stretching, an FST therapist treats both sides of your body differently, based on her assessment of your needs.
Fascia Stretch Therapy is calming, soothing, and pain-free. Running is a high-impact endeavor, and many of the treatments for running-related issues can be painful. FST calms the nervous system, relaxes the body, and is pain-free, all the while producing incredible results.
FST can address specific running issues and injuries. While not a medical therapy program, your FST therapist can work with physical therapists to help resolve common running issues, including plantar fasciitis, sciatica, piriformis syndrome, and other gait-related injuries.
About Your Therapist
I am a level three Fascia Stretch Specialist with extra training in Sports Specific FST. My information comes from my experience as a therapist, as a client, as well as from the Stretch to Win website, and the book, Stretch to Win, written by Ann Frederick and Christopher Frederick, the developers of Fascia Stretch Therapy.
Services and Rates
First session (includes 1-hour FST stretch session plus evaluation and assessment): $150
1-hour session (will target your specific needs): $150
90-minute session (total body stretch, with emphasis on your specific needs): $180
All rates include travel within the Palm Springs/Indio area.
Contact Me
You can also get more information, ask questions, and make appointments on my Facebook page.