The other day I got to thinking about some of the weird, gross, and crazy things runners do. While for most runners these are completely normal behaviors, the rest of the world, which already thinks of us as kind of nuts since many of us “run farther than they can drive,” finds them a little odd.
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26+ Weird, Gross and Crazy Things Runners Do
Are runners really different? You be the judge. Here are 26+ weird, gross, and crazy things runners do. #runningClick To TweetHere is a list, in no particular order of 26 crazy things that runners do.
Runners Do Weird Things To Protect from Chafing

From putting band-aids on their nipples to rubbing body glide all over their body, runners are generally on a mission to prevent any piece of clothing or body part from rubbing and causing the dreaded chafing that makes our post-run shower a literal pain.
Runners Wake Up at Crazy Times
Runners will wake up at what others consider the middle of the night in order to get in their long run before work. It is not unheard of to wake up at 3:00 in the morning to get to a race, beat the heat, or simply “get it done.”
Runners are Crazy About their Shoes
Most runners have quite a collection of both usable and retired shoes. They will stock up if they come across a good sale. And definitely when they hear that their favorite shoe is being phased out for a newer model. And when the inevitable happens and we have to retire our favorite shoes, we’ll toss them in the wash and wear them “around.” Or donate them.
Bathrooms Shmathrooms
Because using the bathroom is pretty important, runners think about them a lot. Runners know the best spots to stop on their long run. They plan their race day morning around using the portable toilet at just the right time. And most runners at some time or another have skipped the porta potty altogether.
What About the Crazy Things That Runners Wear?
Runners love to wear short shorts, knee socks, tutus and skirts all in bright neon colors that most wouldn’t wear on a normal day. And while there is good reasoning around all of these (well, except tutus, the only reason for tutus is that they are cute), we mostly wear them because we think they look good. And that’s all that counts!
Men Shaving Their Legs
Yes, some men shave their legs to be more aerodynamic. I’m not sure if it really makes a difference, but I’m pretty sure that many men have found what women know. Shaved legs look and feel good!
Runners are Weirdly Interested in the Color of Their Urine
Yes, there is a good reason behind it, but non-runners might consider us weird when we compare the color of our pee to lemonade (hydrated) or orange juice (better get drinking!).
Runners Love to Eat all the Carbs!
Actually, runners love to eat all the food! Carbs, proteins, fats! We work hard and we need to fuel hard! And that beer and pizza at the end of the race? Well earned, my friends.
Runners Do Some Gross Things

From hawking a loogie to blowing snot rockets, runners develop some gross habits over the years.
Runners are Friendly
Runners love to wave or nod their heads at other runners. We know that we are all part of a special club. And when we meet someone who is also a runner an instant friendship is formed.
Runners Talk About Personal Stuff with Other Runners
That other runner you just met? It won’t be long (possibly minutes) before you’re discussing things like, well, snot rockets, pre-race constipation, peeing in the woods, and other seemingly personal details about running.
Runners Love to Run in Bad Weather
Well, we really don’t love to run in the pouring rain, stifling heat and humidity, or freezing ice and snow, but we really love to talk about it! I think we get extra running credit for those miserable conditions. Heck, I’m still talking about the 2000 LA Marathon: 40 degrees, pouring rain, ran the whole race in my trash bag, and basically carried my inhaler in my hand ready for use (and finished in 3:33) and that was 24 years ago!
Running 26.2 Miles is not Enough for Some Runners
While running a marathon is an awesome accomplishment that makes non-runners say things like, “I can’t even drive that far,” some runners take it even farther and run Ultra distance races! Running 50k, 100k or even 100 miles has become even more popular in recent years.
Ice Baths are a Thing
Some runners immerse themselves in ice water after a tough run. I kind of prefer Epsom salts and warm water myself, but I can understand this little bit of craziness.
Runners Give Up a Lot for Running
While many people are heading out to a party or a night on the town on Saturday evening, runners are likely to apologize that they “have a long run” in the morning and need to go to bed early. The same goes for a cocktail, new restaurant (we don’t know how our tummies will respond!), or anything that might interfere with that all-important 20-miler.
Runners are Hoarders!
Whether it’s old running shoes that we can’t throw away or all the paraphernalia that we earn from races, runners like to hang on to our memorabilia. I myself have a drawer full of old bibs (my husband has many of his hanging on the wall in his office). We have medals everywhere, framed certificates, piles of t-shirts, and even a mylar blanket or two.
Toenail Loss is a Sign of Pride
Because it indicates how hard we train and what we give up for our sport. This also includes blisters and callouses, and, of course, black toenails.
Mileage Stickers
While normal people have little stick family pictures or political candidates on their bumpers, runners have little signs that say 26.2 or 13.1! It’s another sign of that special club we belong to.
Runners Take an Extra Jog Around the Block
Um, I’ve been known to do this. After all, who wants to end their run at 9.95 miles? Even numbers for the win! On the same note, if I hit an even number at the corner I’ll stop my Garmin and walk the rest of the way home.
Relay Races
As if running one race in a day wasn’t challenging enough, runners love to do relay races, where they basically join their best running friends and run three (or six) races over the course of two days, straight through, with no sleep or bathing involved.
Secret Running Language
If you’re not a runner, listening to runners speaking to each other may make you feel like they’re from another planet. With terms like BQ, PR, fartlek (which they say without breaking into a giggle), negative splits, and tempos, it’s no wonder you’re confused! (Here’s a guide to running jargon for beginners!)
Crazy Runners Talk to Themselves
I don’t know the individual runner, but I assume that if you overhear one talking to herself, it is because she is using some verbal self-motivation. Like the little engine that could!
Everything is Planned Around Our Run
Everything…our meals, our sleep, our bedtime, our social commitments, sometimes even our jobs, is planned around our running schedule.
We’re a Little Pissed When We Have to Rest
Yes, we know we need to rest, and we enjoy it, we really do. But there is always a part of us that really wishes we could go for a run. That looks at those who are running on our rest days with a bit of jealousy.
Runners Plan Vacations Around…Running
Most people plan their holidays to enjoy rest and relaxation in beautiful places. Runners, on the other hand, plan their vacations around a marathon or other race, or head to beautiful places that just happen to have amazing running routes.
Running Selfies
Prior to Instagram, I rarely took photos of myself. In fact, since I was usually the keeper of the camera, I wasn’t in many pictures at all! With the dawn of running selfies that has all changed. We runners like to take photos of ourselves running, usually looking like we run fast with perfect form. We also take photos of our GPS when we’re done, our racing outfits, and, too frequently, our shoes.
We Love Foam Rolling
Most people dread foam rolling. Or don’t even know what it is! Runners, however, know the benefits of time spent with their foam roller. And they can tell you all about their favorite one!
We Still Run Sometimes When We Shouldn’t
This may be the dark side of our crazy running quirks. There is no doubt that runners are tough. As I mentioned in this Instagram post, runners are all about digging deep. Sometimes, though, we’re too tough. Tough to the point of stupid. Like when we have a nagging injury. Or we’re really sick.
Being a runner really is like being a member of an exclusive club, where everyone is welcome if they want to pay the dues and we pride ourselves on our quirky, slightly crazy behavior and unique language.
What weird, gross, or crazy thing do you do when you run?
And Now It’s Time for the Runners’ Roundup!
Weekly Linkups
My weekly linkups! Please stop by and check out all of the great recipes, workouts, and information that all these awesome bloggers share every week!
Tuesday Topics with Kim and Zenaida
The Runners’ Roundup with Deborah, Lisa, Jenn, and Me!
The Weekly Run Down with Deborah and Kim
Fit Five Friday with Darlene, Michelle, Renee, Jenn, and Zenaida
Ultimate Coffee Date with Deborah and Coco
Oh yes about the porta-potties. The other day, I was at a half-marathon that started in the forest and it was still dark. There was a very long line in front of the porta-potties , in fact, I didn’t even SEE the loos.
I went to look for a good tree instead. While I was there, a line of women started to form for my tree, waiting for their turn. We had our own tree-potty! 🙂
Lol, men have been doing it for ages, why not women?
This is so true! Runners really do some interesting things. It’s nice to be able to talk to other runners about them because most people just don’t understand.
It’s so true. They think we’re crazy. I’ll say a thing like, I only ran 3 miles this morning, and they look at me like, 3 miles! That’s so far.
We are a unique bunch! We do love to share our thoughts on everything
We sure do. I’ve had many interesting running conversations with other runners over the years.
I am forever checking out my urine.
Also, I absolutely want to see the blisters. Show me.
Lol, me too. No to blisters!