You may have noticed, that even though I mentioned a while back that I had signed up for Rock ‘n’ Roll San Diego, there have been no training updates or even a hint of a Rock and Roll training plan.
Well, that’s because I haven’t exactly been training.
Oh, I’ve been running. That’s a permanent part of my life no matter what, but I have found that since fracturing my kneecap last year I’ve had a difficult time getting my mileage back up where I’d like it. So, basically, I’m in base training mode. With five weeks until Rock and Roll. Not good.
I’ve also found that I’m really, really slow. Yes, I know I’m older. But, after coming to terms with my slower times a few years ago after (another) knee injury, I’d settled into a slow, but steady training pace, that I could pick up for speed training or racing. After all, I’d managed a two hour half marathon just a couple years ago.
But now I’m finding it harder to even temporarily pick up the pace. I did manage a (relatively) fast three miles the other day, inspired by a late start on a work day. Even that was just under 10 minutes per mile. And it’s not like my knees hurt. Aside from a little arthritis and stiffness they work just fine
Boy, this has turned into a whine-fest. But I do not want to look like this (from my 2014 Rock ‘n’ Roll Marathon):
The fact is, the Rock and Roll Marathon is just five weeks away, so I need to have a plan so that I don’t embarrass myself can have a decent race.
My 5 Week Rock and Roll Half Marathon Training Plan
The first thing I’m doing is crossing the full marathon off the list. I’m slow, not crazy. The half marathon will be plenty. I won’t be adding marathon #37 to my list of accomplishments. Someday I’ll have to add up my half marathons because it would probably sound pretty impressive. Something like around 100 or something, I’d guess. Anyway, here’s the plan”: Starting this week I will:
- Increase my weekly long run each week. This week it was six miles. I have four more weeks to train. Next week eight (I have run up to eight, but last time was a few weeks ago). Then 10, 12, 10. That’s it. After that, I should be able to handle 13.1 on June 5.
- Add one tempo run per week. Speed/stamina work on the road is by far my favorite, so I’ll add a little fartlek, pace runs, and threshold runs for the next four weeks (here’s my favorite). That should give me time to make some adaptations, so it should benefit me in some way.
- Add mileage to my mid-week runs too. Currently, I run three to five miles on my runs during the week. I’ll increase that to about four to eight over the next few weeks.
- Spend more time on the road. My tendency lately is to head for the hills, literally. I’ve been running a lot on the trails, which is wonderful, but it also means running slower. Plus, my race is on the road, so I really need to get out there and run on the harder surface. I’ll save the trails for recovery (and hiking).
- Taper just the last six days. It’s not like my training will be all that intense, and I want to get as much training done as possible in such a little bit of time. After running my last long run of 10 miles a week out, I’ll reduce some mileage during the week before the race. My last “speed” workout will be a few pace miles about five days out.
I’ve mentioned pace a few times here, so the question is, “what is my goal pace?” Good question! It’s been a while (and a broken knee) since that 2:00 half marathon and more recent races have been in the 2:15 range. I think that would be a decent goal, which makes my race pace about 10:20 per mile.
Of course, even that goal depends on my exercise induced asthma. It usually improves with training, but, since my training time will be so short I have no idea how my lungs will respond. Honestly? I’m a little worried. I’ve only dropped out of two marathons ever, and both of those were at Rock and Roll San Diego because of my asthma.
So there you go. My Rock and Roll San Diego Half Marathon training plan, the five-week version! Just writing it down makes me feel like I’m on my way!
Will I see you in San Diego on June 5? Don’t forget you can save $15 on most Rock and Roll marathons and half marathons with the code COACHDEBBIERUNS. I also plan to be in Los Angeles on October 30 and Las Vegas on November 13 and Los Angeles on October 30.
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I think your training plan sounds very reasonable–in fact, that’s pretty much all I do to prepare for a half marathon. It’s kind of freeing to not be on a training plan, isn’t it?
good luck! I am running it to and also just created my 5 week plan! great minds think alike!
It sounds like you have a great plan in place to gradually increase your base training and get you where you need to be. I find that the most helpful thing for me when I feel like my training has been less than ideal for a race is to have a Plan A, Plan B, and Plan C, that way if things don’t go according to Plan A or B on race day, I don’t feel like I’m a total failure. Best of luck and I’m excited to hear how everything goes!
Out of all the marathons out there, Rock ‘n’ Roll sounds like one of the more fun ones. But no, you won’t see me there. Good luck with your training though!
Maybe you need a bit more tlc? Whenever my legs refuse to pick up the pace, a week off does me wonders
Good to have a solid plan in place, for sure. Hope it all goes smoothly and that you have a great time.
I know what it feels like to lose speed, and it’s very frustrating. It sounds like you have a great plan in place, though. Good luck!
I say don’t be so hard on yourself! After my stress fracture and PF I really just wanted to be able to do a long race again without pain and I did. That is what you should be proud of not how long it takes you. Finish line is a finish line!
I’m in a similar boat with Calgary 4 weeks away and having taken the last 4 weeks almost completely off from running thanks to an old injury that flared up. I’m focused on slow and steady and staying healthy.
I know the feeling of not having the same pep in your step following injury. Granted, I am much much more recently “healed,” but it is amazing how I feel like I either can’t imagine running faster or further, even though I do love each run I take. So bizarre!
good luck! sounds like you have a great plan – very well thought out!
Its always better late than never to get started with your training. I’m sure you can get to the start line without any problems, as long as your focus is mainly on building your endurance and not your speed.
while i wont be running this race, i will be cheering for you 🙂 good luck with your training plan and i am sure it will help you on your race day 🙂
Good luck with your plan! I’ll be rooting for you!
Debbie, all I can say is that even with no major injuries, the change in my bod & training from 50 to 55 to now is “quite interesting” to say the least especially before 55 & after! 🙂
:hug: I can totally relate to where you are coming from, and I wish I could say something other than be patient with yourself and just try to enjoy. We are all at different stages of this running journey, and even if it’s not the journey we may want to be having, it can still be great.
Your plan sounds solid. You’ve got this.
Your plan sounds solid. If you can run 5-6 miles easily, adding a mile or so each week (to get to 10) is easy-peasy. I love the R’nR races!
Good luck with the run and training!
5 weeks?! Ahh!! Good luck, and here’s to staying injury free!! My next half is coming in 12 (eeek!) days and I’m so looking forward to it 🙂
I’m sure it’s hard to accept that because of your injuries you are a slower runner for right now. Running injuries are no joke and it’s so great you are about to run another Marathon. This is such a great and realistic training recap, Debbie. Very inspiring for other runners who came off injuries and taking on another Half or Full Marathon!
Debbie you’ve got this! Keep us updated on your training.
RUNNING INJURIES ARE THE WORST! You’ve got this thanks for inspiring us all!
I was in a similar situation for RNR DC and it worked out ok, so I’ll keep my fingers crossed that your shortened plan works for you. (I’m in an undertrained situation again for my 7 half marathons in 7 days, with 1.5 weeks to go, sigh. At least you have some time.)
Blue Mizunos, ftw! I love my blue Mizunos. 🙂
Nice plan! That sounds like a fun half marathon for sure 🙂 I really like the way you explained your plan. I have not done a half marathon for a few years so I quickly forget the best way to lead up to one. Thanks for sharing!
Amazing enjoyed the post was amazing, congratulations for the site .