Do you have a big race coming up? Your first marathon or half marathon? One that you’re hoping to PR or smash some goals? Maybe qualify for Boston? If you do, here are some things you need to do the night before your big race.
29 Things You Should Do the Night Before Your Big Race
Have a big race in the morning? Here's what you should do the night before. Click To TweetI admit it, this is a big list. You probably don’t need to do everything on it. But, just as a packing list helps you prepare for vacation (or racecation!), or a grocery list helps you on your shopping trip, this list can help you remember the important things you should do the night before your big race so you don’t have an “oh my gosh, I forgot…” moment the next morning. So in no particular order, here are 29 things you should do the night before your big race.
Side note: You may know that Alan is a race announcer. I can’t tell you how many times runners approach him and request that he ask the crowd if they have a variety of things from socks to shoes.
1. Drink up.
Stay hydrated, especially for longer distance races like the marathon or half marathon.
2. Eat normally.
This can be difficult if you’re on the road, but try to eat as close to your normal diet as possible.
3. Go to bed at your regular time.
Yes, you may be excited and nervous, but you probably have to get up early so get to bed on time.
4. Get your outfit lined up…
So you won’t be fumbling around in the morning.
5. And photographed.
Don’t forget to post your “Flat Runner” on Instagram!
6. Visualize success.
Take the time to review your race in your head, how great you will feel, and how well you will run.
7. Take it easy…
Now is not the time for a tough workout or to explore a new city.
8. …But keep moving.
It’s also not the time to just completely sit on your butt.
9. Roll it out.
Spend a little quality time with your foam roller before bed, but keep it short and sweet. If you’ve never foam rolled, now is not the time to start.
10. Pack your race bag…
Have your warmups and post-race clothing ready to go.
11. Including your recovery gear.
Your recovery kit should include massage or lacrosse balls, comfy shoes, sunscreen, post-race hydration, and fuel.
12. Review your race day plan.
You’ve got one, right? If not, here’s what to plan ahead for both the marathon and half marathon.
13. Check your logistics for the next morning.
Check everything from where you’re meeting your friends, directions to the race start, and parking (including any fees if necessary).
14. Attach your chip and bib.
Do this the night before so you don’t forget in the morning.
15. Limit (or skip) alcohol consumption.
Alcohol is very dehydrating, plus a hangover doesn’t equal a great performance the next day.
16. Take some time to unwind before bed.
Chances are you’re a bit nervous or tense, so wind down before bed by meditating or reading a little to help yourself relax.
17. Check your alarm.
It would be a huge bummer to train so hard for a race then oversleep in the morning!
18. Pack your headphones.
If you listen to music when you run be sure to pack (and charge) your headphones the night before.
19. Charge your phone/camera/music player.
Um, yes. We all know this, but we still sometimes forget.
20. Fill any hydration bottles you plan on bringing.
Whether you carry your own during the race or sip on water or electrolytes beforehand, have your bottles filled and ready to go the night before.
21. Prepare your race fuel.
Prepare and pack whatever you plan to eat before and during the race.
22. Charge your race watch.
Make sure to get a full charge on your GPS watch, especially for longer distance races.
23. Take one last look at the final instructions.
Just in case you (or I) missed something.
Big Race Advice from Instagram
Of course, I had to do a little crowdsourcing on Instagram and asked my followers for their best advice.
And of course, they had great advice to share:
24. Anna @ pipersrun Night before a big race….charge my Garmin beside bed or near car keys…so you don’t leave without it or uncharged.
25. Lisa @ milebymile The night before a big race I like to eat my usual prerun meal, nothing new even if I’m traveling! And drink lots of water.
26. Deb @ debrunsfit Pre-race tips: make sure everything is charged, put everything together in one place, leave notes taped to the door you’ll be leaving through reminding you of anything else you don’t want to forget.
27. Kendall @ kpokorski7 The night before a big race I like to look over the course again on Mapquest and mentally go over my race plan; I like to visualize myself finishing strong! I also like briefly look at all the training I have done leading up to the race, which gives me confidence! I try to just relax and put myself in a positive headspace!
28. Toni @ runninglovingliving The night before a race I relax with one glass of wine, helps my pre-race nerves
29. Kimberly @ runningonthefly My tip… I lay everything out in “flat runner” form so it’s ready & waiting 👍
Here’s your free printable Race Checklist: Things You Should Do the Night Before Your Big Race!

So my fellow runners and racers. What is your best tip for what you should be doing the night before your big race?
And Now It’s Time for the Runners’ Roundup!
Weekly Linkups
My weekly linkups! Please stop by and check out all of the great recipes, workouts, and information that all these awesome bloggers share every week!
Tuesday Topics with Kim and Zenaida
The Runners’ Roundup with Deborah, Lisa, Jenn, and Me!
The Weekly Run Down with Deborah and Kim
Fit Five Friday with Darlene, Michelle, Renee, Jenn, and Zenaida
Ultimate Coffee Date with Deborah and Coco
So many great reminders here! Its so much easier to be home the night before a race, but when I travel I feel like I need to be extra organized.
Same here. That’s why I love having a list.
I am always nervous the night before a race! Always great to have a list of reminders
I love having lists before a race!
A printable checklist!!!! This is my love language!
It’s so nice to be able to go down a list and mark the boxes to make sure you haven’t missed anything!
I find lists so helpful.
All great reminders. Thanks.
I think I’ve gotten it down by now.
We have it down but it’s still kind of nice to have a list.